- Create bazel configuration file with
touch .bazelrc
- Add bazel configuration
echo build --cxxopt="-std=c++2a" --cxxopt='-fopenmp' --linkopt='-lgomp' > .bazelrc
- To do a full clean build
bazel clean
bazel build //...:all
- To test
bazel test //...:all
- To start CLI
bazel run //tools/shell:graphflowdb -- -i <serialized-graph-path>
- CLI built in commands :help get command list :clear clear shell :quit exit from shell :thread [thread] number of threads for execution :bm_debug_info debug information about the buffer manager :system_debug_info debug information about the system
Benchmark runner is designed to be used in graphflowdb-benchmark. Deirectly using benchmark runner is not recommended.
- benchmark file should have the following format
name example
MATCH (:Person)
expectedNumOutput 8
- To run benchmark
<benchmark-tool-binary-path> --dataset=<serialized-graph-path> --benchmark=<benchmark-file-or-folder>
config number of warmup--run=5
config number of run--thread=1
config number of thread for execution
Current python driver is under development. See tools/python_api/test/example.py
for example usage. To run this
example bazel run //tools/python_api:example
Design documents for some of our features and components.