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Kerem Güneş edited this page May 12, 2016 · 5 revisions

Logger is designed for logging any event not only query events but will be logging query events if activated and if given level is proper to log target event.

Notice: Oppa tries to secure your log directory, but also it is your responsibility.

Available level flags: ALL, WARN, FAIL, INFO, DEBUG.

// activate query logging
$cfg.query_log => true

// set level
// log all events
$cfg.query_log_level => \Oppa\Logger::ALL
// or log only warnings and fails
$cfg.query_log_level => \Oppa\Logger::WARN | \Oppa\Logger::FAIL

// this option is required if query_log=true
$cfg.query_log_directory => '/path/to/.logs/db'

Logger designed for internal purposes, but could be used for others as well.

$logger->log(\Oppa\Logger::WARN, 'Something is weird.. *_*');
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