vimrc requires Plug for plugin management:
Clone to ~/dotfiles and create symlinks. nvimrc goes in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
- Both zsh & bash configs
- Both neovim & (old) vim config for systems w/o neovim (possibly lightweight install script when full devenv isn't required)
- Python
- Go
- C (both clang and gcc)
- Rust
- TypeScript / deno
Window Manager (currently awesomewm)
- Homebrew
- Docker
Plenty to be added here over time, then migrated into a script to autoinstall them.
tldr -
pip install tldr
eg -
pip install eg
navi -
cargo install --locked navi
kb -
pip install kb-manager
ripgrep -
cargo install ripgrep
- Alacritty Themes -
pip install --user alacritty-colorscheme