A Python app for weather data deployment to Blynk Projects, using:
- Airly for temperature and air pollution data,
- Yahoo Weather for temperature, wind speed/direction, weather conditions data,
- Open Weather Map for temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed/direction, weather conditions data,
- Blynk Server Api for data deployment to Blynk projects.
This application works with default or custom instance of Blynk server.
If your Blynk Project provides a temperature sensor with a fan mounted outside, the app can send the information to the sensor if weather conditions are favourable to start the fan.
Python 3.11 or newer is recommended. Make sure you have installed Python depedencies:
Create config.yml file and enter your API keys:
name: "My Data Server"
timezone: "Europe/Berlin"
lang: "pl" # en or pl are supported for weather data
units: "metric" # metric or imperial
latitude: "52.526400"
longitude: "13.397261"
owmCityId: "2950159" # OpenWeatherMap City Id
yahooCityWOEID: "638242"
airlyKey: "yourapikey" # You can request your API Key on airly.eu
owmKey: "yourapikey" # You can request your API Key on openweathermap.org
blynkKey: "yourapikey" # Blynk Project Api Key
hostname: "blynk-cloud.com" # Your Blynk Server URL
port: "9443" # Default HTTPS Api port
fan: true # If there is a fan in your temperature sensor, leave this option true
This app was intended to work in Heroku or GCP Cloud Functions. You can easily deploy it to Heroku instance:
$ heroku create
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "First commit"
$ git push heroku master
or in GCP Cloud Functions:
$ gcloud functions deploy function-name --runtime python311 --entry-point=BlynkExternalData
Default Virtual Pins are listed below:
- V36: Air Quality Color
- V37: Air Quality Description
- V38: Humidity
- V39: PM 1
- V40: PM 2.5
- V41: PM 10
- V42: Air Pollution Level
- V43: Temperature
- V44: Air Quality Index - CAQI
- V45: Temperature Sensor's Fan favourable conditions (based on weather conditions) [0 or 1]
- V46: Date and time of data update
- V47: Wind Speed
- V48: Wind Direction
- V49: Pressure
- V70: OWM Weather Conditions
- V71: Server Name
- V72: Yahoo Weather Conditions