This is a zero dependency web component that provides a draggable and resizable div. This was mainly written as a way for me to explore web components and familiarize myself with the process of publishing to NPM and commercial CDNs. NOTE: this component was designed for desktop devices.
You can install this component from NPM:
npm install @ksbrooksjr/drag-resize
Or you can simply add a script tag that loads the component from a CDN:
src="[email protected]/dist/index.js"
After installing simply add the component to your markup.
<p>Drag and Resize Me!</p>
The component can be customized using the following html attributes:
- isResizable(boolean): whether or not the component can be resized (default: true)
- isDraggable(boolean): whether or not the component can be dragged (default: true)
- minwidth(number): the minimum width (in pixels) that the component can be resized to (default: 100)
- minheight(number): the minimum height (in pixels) that the component can be resized to (default: 100)
- maxwidth(number): the maximum width (in pixels) that the component can be resized to (default: Infinity)
- maxheight(number): the maximum height (in pixels) that the component can be resized to (default: Infinity)
Example with all options:
<p>Drag and Resize Me!</p>
<p><noscript>This demo requires JavaScript!</noscript></p>
You can style the component using the ::part(wrapper)
drag-resize::part(wrapper) {
border-color: blue;
Don't change the width
, height
, top
, left
, or cursor
properties using this method though. To set the initial dimensions and position use css variables. The component accepts the following four css variables:
:root {
--dr-initial-width: 400px;
--dr-initial-height: 400px;
--dr-initial-top: 50px;
--dr-initial-left: 50px;
The div rendered by the component has the following default styles:
drag-resize::part(wrapper) {
margin: 5px;
border: 1px solid black;
background: white;
Before the component is registered (or if js is unavailable) the browser will render the children of the custom element. To prevent a flash of unstyled content you should use the drag-resize:not(:defined)
selector to give the child node the same styles that will eventually be applied to the component's shadow dom div element.
:root {
--dr-initial-width: 400px;
--dr-initial-height: 400px;
--dr-initial-top: 50px;
--dr-initial-left: 50px;
drag-resize:not(:defined) > * {
position: absolute;
width: var(--dr-initial-width);
height: var(--dr-initial-height);
top: var(--dr-initial-top);
left: var(--dr-initial-left);
margin: 5px;
border: 1px solid black;
background: white;
drag-resize::part(wrapper) {
margin: 5px;
border: 1px solid black;
background: white;
<span>Drag and Resize Me!</span>
The component is registered by default. If you'd like to import the class and register it yourself then import it like this:
import DraggableResizable from '@ksbrooksjr/drag-resize/dist/component.js'
customElements.define('drag-resize', DraggableResizable)