- Slides
- Introduction
- Hardware
- Memory: 8GB or more free space.
- Software
- CentOS 7.5.1804
- VirtualBox-5.2-5.2.20_125813_el7-1.x86_64
- vagrant_2.1.5_x86_64
- ansible-2.6.4-1 (EPEL)
- git- (CentOS bundled)
- python-virtualenv-15.1.0-2 (CentOS bundled)
- Install VirtualBox package
rpm -ivh VirtualBox-5.2-5.2.20_125813_el7-1.x86_64.rpm
- Install Vagrant package
rpm -ivh vagrant_2.1.5_x86_64.rpm
- Install ansible from EPEL
yum install epel-release
yum install ansible
- Install other utils
yum install git
yum install python-virtualenv
- checkout demo repo.
git clone https://github.com/kskmori/osc2018tk-demo
cd osc2018tk-demo
- Create Vagrant VMs and configurations
make bootstrap
- Build the demo using the playbooks
make build
- Allow ssh login directly (instead of vagrant ssh)
make config-ssh
- Kubernetes installation
- Pacemaker installation
- Pacemaker bundle sample configurations
- virtualbmc installation
- virtualbmc (patched version) - IPMI fencing for VirtualBox VMs
- restart the demo environment (if not started yet)
## on the host node
make restart
- open terminal windows
- ex. 4 terminals
- T1. Pacemaker status terminal : Demo 2
- T2. Kubernetes status terminal : Demo 1 & Demo 2
- T3. operation terminal : Demo 1 & Demo 2
- T4. operation terminal on the host node
- (terminal T3. & T4. can be placed with overwrapped, minimum lines)
- login to the master node and become root on terminal T1., T2. & T3.
- ex. 4 terminals
## T1: T2: T3:
ssh master
sudo -s
cd /osc2018tk-demo/
- make sure all Pacemaker resources are running (location does not matter here)
## T1:
- make sure all Kubernetes Pods are running (location does not matter here)
## T2:
- for Demo 1: stop Pacemaker
## T3:
- for Demo 1: reset Kubernetes Pods location
## T3:
- show the Kubernetes configuration (p.17, p.18)
## T2:
- start watching Kubernetes status
## T2:
- disconnect the both network cables via VirtualBox GUI (p.19)
- alternatively, via the command line:
## T4: on the host node
- reconnect the network cables via VirtualBox GUI
- alternatively, via the command line:
## T4: on the host node
- reset Kubernetes Pods location
## T3:
- make sure the "Restore after Demo 1" steps has been done before proceeds
- show the Pacemaker status on worker1 (p.43)
## T1:
- start Pacemaker one by one
## T3:
- show the Pacemaker status on worker2 (p.43, p.47): DO NOT FORGET THIS!
## T1:
Press Ctrl-C (to stop crm_mon on worker1)
- start watching Kubernetes status (p.44, p.48)
## T2:
- disconnect the both network cables via VirtualBox GUI (p.45)
- alternatively, via the command line:
## T4: on the host node
- reconnect the network cables via VirtualBox GUI
- alternatively, via the command line:
## T4: on the host node
- power on worker1
- IMPORTANT: the network cables must be reconnected before power on
## T4: on the host node
(cd ./vagrant; vagrant reload worker1)
- reset Pacemaker resources location
## T3:
- reset Kubernetes Pods location
## T3:
## T4: on the host node
(cd ./vagrant; vagrant destroy)
- postgres-0 pod stucks at ContainerCreating status when restoring after the demo.
- It could happen when the node was booted up without network connectivity, so the OS gave up to mount the NFS storage.
- Solution: make sure the all network cables being connected properly, and restart the node (
vagrant reload worker1
) or mount it manually (mount /mnt/nfs