Marvelous Carousel is a widget that allows you to horizontally or vertically scroll through multiple images or items. It is commonly used in applications where users need to browse a collection of images or rotate through content. For example, you can use Carousel for a product gallery, a news feed, or an event calendar.
Main Screen |
Simple | Rotation | Scale Items |
Opacity Animation | Stack | Overscroll |
Here are the details of all attributes:
Attribute Name | Description | Applicable Type |
pagerType | Set the MarvelousSlider type, i.e., PagerType.Carousel & PagerType.Stack | - |
reverse | Reverse the order if set to true | Both |
scrollDirection | Scroll direction of your pager, i.e., Axis.Horizontal & Axis.Vertical | Both |
viewPortFraction | Set the view port fraction | Carousel |
pageSnapping | Snap to the selected or current page | Both |
physics | Define ScrollPhysics, affecting scrolling velocity, etc. | Both |
onPageChanged | Callback that returns the current index whenever an item is selected | Both |
scaleX | Minimum x-scale of unselected page | Both |
scaleY | Minimum y-scale of unselected page | Both |
opacity | Set opacity of unselected page | Both |
rotationX | Maximum x-rotation of unselected page | Carousel |
rotationY | Maximum y-rotation of unselected page | Carousel |
overscroll | Apply overscroll effect to the last item | Stack |
key | Set a key for the pager | Both |
children | List of child widgets to add to the pager | - |
dotsVisible | set true if you want to see dots | - |
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