This repository contains materials and information about Astro Hack Week 2018.
- Monday: Data Visualization
- Tuesday: Bayesian Statistics and MCMC
- Wednesday: Intro to Machine Learning
- Thursday: Machine Learning and Statistics
Further information on this topic can be found here.
- click "fork this repository"
- go to the fork of this repository on your github page
- clone the repository to your local computer
- move to the repository in your terminal
- create a new branch by typing "git checkout -b mynewbranch", where "mynewbranch" should be replaced by whatever name you'd like to give this branch
- make your changes
- commit your changes by typing "git add myfile.dat" (where myfile.dat is the file you just added/changed), followed by "git commit -m 'add a descriptive commit message here'".
- type "git push", which will push your changes to your fork of the repository
- Navigate to pull requests page of the AHW2018 repo, and click "new pull request"
- click the link "Compare across forks"
- leave the box "base fork:AstroHackWeek/AstroHack..." as is, but in the box after the arrow, change "head fork: AstroHackWeek:AstroHack..." to "head fork:YourGHUserName:AstroHackWeek2018" and "compare:master" to "compare:mynewbranch"
- Write an informative commit message and click "create pull request"