Releases: kubagp1/lesson-plan
Releases · kubagp1/lesson-plan
Metadata bugfixes
Final major update
What's Changed
- fix the bug with a different browser history behavior by @kubagp1 in #54
- implement shortName in url by @kubagp1 in #56
- move shared logic, make more transformations, move transformations to… by @kubagp1 in #58
- Chips by @kubagp1 in #61
- Plan info by @kubagp1 in #64
- Searchable categories by @kubagp1 in #65
- Optimize by @kubagp1 in #68
- add I18n by @kubagp1 in #70
- Options menu icons by @kubagp1 in #71
- add removing empty plans by @kubagp1 in #72
- Better error and loading by @kubagp1 in #73
- fix bug by @kubagp1 in #74
- add sorting lib, implement better sorting by @kubagp1 in #76
Full Changelog: v0.7...v1.0
Scrape from classes plan only, dark mode
What's Changed
- fix the issue by @kubagp1 in #29
- add support for codespaces by @kubagp1 in #33
- Hide columns tweaks by @kubagp1 in #34
- restructure docker files, add a try catch to scraping by @kubagp1 in #36
- add scraping from classes only by @kubagp1 in #37
- Scrape from classes by @kubagp1 in #45
- fix hide-columns by @kubagp1 in #46
- add dark mode by @kubagp1 in #47
- improve frontend code and move grade handling to frontend by @kubagp1 in #48
- Fix-weekday-selector-overlapping by @kubagp1 in #51
Full Changelog: v0.6...v0.7
Highlighting, hide columns, readme
First rewrite
The whole thing got rewritten to work in a dockerized enviroment instead of GCP. The whole frontend was rewritten from scratch in function components.
Full Changelog:
Quality of life update
Proof of concept of topbar
v0.1 proof of concept for top bar