Hi there 👋 I am a full-stack developer passionate about UI/UX, static typing, and software testing.
Pet projects:
- MemoCard - Award-winning Telegram mini app for improving memory with spaced repetition.
- mobx-log - Logging library for MobX. 300k+ total downloads
My contributions to Open Source:
- mobx (⭐27.8k+️) - 23 PRs. Example PR - Fix type inference of the action callback arguments (merged)
- phpstan (⭐13.3k+️) - Detect enum duplicated values (merged)
- wavesurfer.js (⭐9.2k+️) - Waveform with rounded bars (merged)
- ts-essentials (⭐3.9k+️) - Simplify Merge type (merged)
- assistant-ui (⭐3.8k+️) - Add support for dynamic headers in EdgeChatAdapter (merged)
- construct-js (⭐1.4k+️) - Use TS assertion signature to avoid type casting (merged)
- mobx-angular (⭐486) - 10 PRs. Last PR - Replace Karma with Jest, run tests on CI (merged)
Blog posts:
- How to integrate Telegram Stars Payment to your bot (17.2K views)
- How I built a project for myself and won a prize from Telegram (747 views)
- Configure multiple entry points for Create React App without the eject (4.6K views)
- A simple Mobx under 50 LOC to understand observer pattern (2.1K views)
- Display calendar using SQL (252 views)