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It's a diploma project written on C++ during Yandex Praktikum course


A back-end realization of spreadsheet. Supports basic arithmetic operations and references (links) to other cells


sheet->SetCell("A1"_pos, "2");
sheet->SetCell("A2"_pos, "=A1+1");
sheet->SetCell("A3"_pos, "=A2+2");
sheet->SetCell("A4"_pos, "=A3+3");
sheet->SetCell("A5"_pos, "=A1+A2+A3+A4");

auto* cell_A5_ptr = sheet->GetCell("A5"_pos);
ASSERT_EQUAL(std::get<double>(cell_A5_ptr->GetValue()), 18);

Realized exceptions support:

  • #DIV0! - if formula contains division by zero
  • #VALUE! - if an operand contains a text value instead of number
  • #REF! - if a referenced cell position is out of sheet possible size


Link cyclic dependency check was realized. In case of such situation:

sheet->SetCell("A1"_pos, "=A2");
sheet->SetCell("A2"_pos, "=A1");

a CircularDependencyException will be thrown.

Realized a mechanism of fast items announcing in case of cell value was changed.

Used language features

OOP, polymorphism, templates, lyambda functions, std algorithms, abstract syntax tree (AST), patterns.


ANTLR generator is used. Grammar rules are located in Formula.g4 file.

To generate executive files run command:

antlr -Dlanguage=Cpp Formula.g4

To use CMAKE CMakeLists.txt and FindANTLR.cmake files are provided.