Assumptions :-
- Initially only 10 customers,10 employees, 10 cars and 1 manager in the database.
- The database is of form of a vector of classes of 10 elements initially.
- The CUSTOMER Database consists of:- a Vector of class Customer.
- CustomerID which is an unique integer assigned to each customer. This I'd is used to find each customer as I have used the same for indexing the Customer Vector.
- Customer_Name of type string representing name of each customer.
- Customer_Record which includes how much good the record of each customer is on the scale of 100.
- Fine_dues which includes the rent on each customer.
- vector cars_rented which includes id of all the cars rented by the custer till now.
- vector Return_dates which stores the pair of id of car rented and date of its return guarenteed by the customer.
- Customer_db() constructor which is used for assignment of id,name,cars_rented,Return_dates,Fine_dues.
- other public function are also inlcuded for returning the above given values when asked by a customer or a manager.
The Employee_db class is same as Customer_db which has the same functions and elemets as customer a little bit change is in renting only.
- car_no which is unique integer assigned to each car, here I have used this number for indexing the CARS vector.
- availaibility which is 0 or 1, 0 if not availaible and 1 if availaible.
- rented_from which is a string giving the date from which the car will be availaible for renting.
- Car_rent_price which is the per day price of when the car is rented.
- Car_name id the name of each car.
- Car_db() constructor which is used for assignment of car_number, availability_status, car_name,rent_price, rented_from date.
- other public functions are also included for editing the CARS vector, find a car,etc.
- This class has all the functions of used by the customer it includes :-
- Rented_Cars() function to give the list of all the cars rented in by the customer.
- Fine_dues() function to give the total fine of the customer as well as individual finr for each car rented in.
- see_cars() function which is used by the customer to see the list of all availaible cars for renting.
- rent_car() function which is used by the customer to rent cars which are availaible.
- This is same as the Customer class but the difference is with the way of calculating fine dues in the fine_dues() function which reduces 15% rent.
- add_customer() function which is used to add customer to the CUSTOMER vector database.
- delete_customer() function to delete customer from CUSTOMER vector.
- update_customer() fucntion used to update Fine_dues and late_date of the Customer.
- list_customer()used to give list of updated customers.'
- SIMILARLY there are function for adding, deleting, updating and seeing updated employee list.
- add_car() used to add a car to CARS vector.
- delete_car() to delete car from CARS vector.
- update_car() used to update the rent price and renting_date of desired car.
- First I have created database for CARS, CUSTOMER, EMPLOYEE using constructor.
- Then the rental system starts.