🌐 Simple Login & Sign-Up Authentication Website
Welcome to the Simple Authentication Website! This repository contains a basic frontend for a login and sign-up authentication process built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 🚀
Feel free to use and customize this project for your personal or professional projects!
🎯 Features
✨ Responsive Design: Works on all screen sizes 🔒 Secure Authentication: Simple login and sign-up forms for user authentication 🎨 Customizable Styling: Easy-to-update CSS for personalized styles 💻 JavaScript Validation: Input validation to ensure proper credentials are entered
🛠️ Tech Stack
HTML: For creating the structure of the website
CSS: For styling the website and making it responsive
JavaScript: For adding interactivity and form validation
📸 Screenshots
Login Page:
Sign-Up Page:
🚀 How to Use
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/your-username/simple-auth-website.git
- Navigate to the project directory
cd simple-auth-website
- Open index.html in your browser to see the website in action.
🔑 Authentication Flow
Login: Users can enter their username and password to login.
Sign-Up: New users can sign up by providing details like username, email, and password.
Validation: Basic client-side validation is applied to ensure data correctness.
🚧 Future Improvements
Connect to a backend (Node.js, Python, etc.) for real authentication
Add password recovery and reset functionality
Improve form validation with regular expressions
🤝 Contributing
Contributions are welcome! If you’d like to improve the design, add features, or fix bugs, feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request. 💡
Fork the repository
Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature-branch)
Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch)
Open a pull request.
Enjoy coding! 😄