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Joshua Kusaasira edited this page Oct 28, 2022 · 1 revision

Uganda Geo Data

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In Uganda, the geo-data is organized in different hierarchies including political hierarchies, administrative and geographical ones that are commonly required and requested when filling in form data online or for personal information in various areas. As shown below, the hierarchy goes up from District down to a Village. So a district has counties, a county has subcounties. A parish has villages and also a district has many villages. There is a one to many relationship.

  1. District
  2. County
  3. SubCounty
  4. Parish
  5. Village


Uganda is divided into districts.


A district then has counties under it. Its a one to many relationship.


A county then has sub counties under it. This implies a district too has many sub counties under it.


Then parishes lie under sub counties.


The village is the last unit.

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