This repository contains a Linux shell implemented in C which resembles the Bourne Again Shell
- Type the command
- Type
to launch the shell - Type
to exit the shell
The following commands were coded for explicitly. All the other commands are supported by the shell using execvp()
- Returns the present working directory
- Code available in pwd.c and Header files in pwd.h
- Input:
- Output: /home/kushagra/Documents/A2k20/OS/Assign2/KuBash
- Prints the contents in
on the shell - Quotations preserve spaces, tabs and carriage returns
- Code available in echo.c and Header files in echo.h
- Input:
echo "Operating Systems 2020"
- Output: Operating Systems 2020
- Changes working directory to the directory given in
- If
does not exist then error is flagged - Both Relative and Absolute paths to the directory supported
- Path relative to cwd for the shell (called ~) is also implemented
- Code available in cd.c and Header files in cd.h
- Input:
kushagra@kushagra:~ cd ~
- Output: Prompt changes to
- Input:
kushagra@kushagra:~ cd ~/../../Assign2
- Output: Prompt changes to
- Shows the contents of the various directories given in the arguements
flag implemented: Shows hidden files-l
flag implemented: Shows details about each file- Any permutation of the flags and directories is supported
- Code available in ls.c and Header files in ls.h
- Input:
ls -a ../exampledir
- Output:
. .. prompt.c main.c
- Input:
ls -la ../exampledir
- Output:
drwxrwxr-x 3 kushagra kushagra 4096 Sep 09 11:28 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 kushagra kushagra 4096 Sep 09 11:50 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kushagra kushagra 504 Sep 04 01:55 prompt.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kushagra kushagra 3865 Sep 09 01:39 main.c
- Shows the process related information for a process
- If pid is not given as an arguement the pid of the shell is used as default
- Code available in pinfo.c and Header files in pinfo.h
- Input:
- Output:
pid -- 11403
Process Status -- R
Memory -- 2678784
Executable Path -- ~/a.out
- Shows the last count number of commands written in the shell
- The history is stored using history.txt and stores not more than 20 commands
- If no arguement is given then last 10 commands are shown
- Code available in main.c
- Input:
history 3
- Output:
cd ~
emacs &
history 3
- Allows the user to set the value of the environment variable [var] to [value]
- If value is omitted, the variable's value is set to the empty string
- Code available in set_env.c and Header files are in set_env.h
- Input:
setenv kush 100
- Ouput: On running
, kush=100 appears on the last line
- Allows the user to uset the value of the environment variable [var]
- Code available in unset_env.c and Header files are in unset_env.h
- Input:
unsetenv kush
- Ouput: On running
, kush=100 is removed the last line
- Prints a list of all currently running background processes spawned by the shell in order of their creation times
- Prints job number,process ID and their state
- Code available in jobs.c and Header files are in jobs.h
- Input:
- Ouput:
[1] Stopped emacs [8074]
[2] Running firefox [8101]
- Sends [signal] to the process with job number = [job_num]
- Code available in kjob.c and Header files are in kjob.h
- Input:
kjob 2 9
- Ouput: On running
we get[1] Stopped emacs [8074]
- As the signal=9 is SIGKILL and it killed the firefox background job
- Kills all background process at once
- Code available in overkill.c and Header files are in overkill.h
- Input:
- Ouput: On running
no output appears and all jobs are killed`
- Changes the state of a stopped background job to running (in the background).
- Code available in bg.c and Header files are in bg.h
- Input:
- Output:
[1] Stopped emacs [8074]
[2] Running firefox [8101]
- Input:
bg 1
- Input:
- Output:
[1] Running emacs [8074]
[2] Running firefox [8101]
- Brings the running or stopped background job corresponding to [job_num] to the foreground, and changes its state to running
- Code available in fg.c and Header files are in fg.h
- Input:
fg 1
- Output: Process comes to foreground waits for user to finish it
- If a command contains
as one of the arguements then it is considered a background process - If a background process exits then the shell displays appropriate message using stderr
- The shell waits until a foreground process is finished
- Implement the
command - Code in cd.c and Header files are in cd.h
- Implement the
command - Code in echo.c and Header files are in echo.h
- Implement all the other commands which are not coded for explicitly
- Codes for background and foreground process handling
- Code in execute.c and Header files are in execute.h
- Contains header files required throughout all the files
- Defines global variables
- Stores last 20 commands written in the shell
- Implement the
command - Code in ls.c and Header files are in ls.h
- Implement the shell and receives user input
- Calls the corresponding command file based on user input
- Allows easy compilation of all the c files using a single command
- Implement the
command - Code in pinfo.c and Header files are in pinfo.h
- Print the shell prompt
- Implement the
command - Code in pwd.c and Header files are in pwd.h