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Tiny layer of abstraction for building logic.


Here's common builder injection scenario. UIViewControllers are used only for demonstration
sake, it can be any app module (router, coordinaror, etc.) or type in general.

Assume there are two screens in the app - Home and Profile. On each screen there is an option
to present Paywall screen which depends on PurchasesService and AnalyticsTracker services and
PawallSource argument.

public enum PaywallSource {
    case home
    case profile

There are all dependencies for Paywall sceen:

public protocol PaywallDeps {
    associatedtype PurchasesServiceType: PurchasesService
    associatedtype AnalyticsTrackerType: AnalyticsTracker

    var source: PawallSource { get }
    var purchasesService: PurchasesServiceType { get }
    var analyticsTracker: AnalyticsTrackerType { get }

And this is how PaywallBuilder can be implemented, it takes Deps constrainted to PaywallDeps and returns
abstract UIViewController hiding all implementstion details about PaywallInteractor and PaywallViewController.

public struct PaywallBuilder<Deps: PaywallDeps>: Builder {
    public init() {}

    public func build(using deps: Deps) -> UIViewController {
        let interactor = PaywallInteractor(
            purchasesService: deps.purchasesService,
            analyticsTracker: deps.analyticsTracker
        let viewController = PaywallViewController(
            source: deps.source,
            interactor: interactor
        interactor.viewController = viewController

        return viewController

In dependencies for Home and Profile screens we can now add PaywallBuilder, but
with dependencies declared as PaywallSource instead of PaywallDeps, because Home and Profile
do not have to depend on services from PaywallDeps (PurchasesService for instance).

public protocol HomeDeps {
    associatedtype PawallBuilderType: Builder<PaywallSource, UIViewController>

    var paywallBuilder: PawallBuilderType { get }
public protocol ProfileDeps {
    associatedtype PawallBuilderType: Builder<PaywallSource, UIViewController>

    var paywallBuilder: PawallBuilderType { get }

In order to resolve these dependencies somewhere externally (AppDelegate for exmample) we can declare ...DepsImpl
for each dependencies and pass AppDelegate as parent with all services/bulders initialization made inside AppDelegate.

struct PaywallDepsImpl {
    let parent: AppDelegate
    let source: PawallSource

    var purchasesService: some PurchasesService { parent.purchasesService }
    var analyticsTracker: some AnalyticsTracker { parent.analyticsTracker }
final class AppDelegate: UIApplicationDelegate {
    lazy var purchasesService: some PurchasesService = {

    lazy var analyticsTracker: some AnalyticsTracker = {

    lazy var paywallBuilder: some Builder<PaywallSource, UIViewController> = { 
        PaywallBuilder().scoped { source in
            PaywallDepsImpl(parent: self, source: source)
struct HomeDepsImpl {
    let parent: AppDelegate

    var paywallBuilder: some Builder<PaywallSource, UIViewController> { parent.paywallBuilder }
struct ProfileDepsImpl {
    let parent: AppDelegate

    var paywallBuilder: some Builder<PaywallSource, UIViewController> { parent.paywallBuilder }

Using Builder helped to hide implementation details and expose barely minimum interface for client (Home and Profile in
this example). That's how Paywall sceen can be built inside Home screen:

final class HomeViewController<PB: Builder<PaywallSource, UIViewController>>: UIViewController {
    let paywallBuilder: PB

    init(paywallBuilder: PB) {
        self.paywallBuilder = paywallBuilder
        super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: NIL)

    func presentPaywall() {
        let paywallViewController = .home)
        present(paywallViewController, animated: true)


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