Fast codes for computing gyrosynchrotron radio emission; analytical and numerically defined electron distribution functions are supported.
Alexey Kuznetsov, July 2021.
The codes are implemented as executable libraries (DLL or SO) callable from IDL or Python. See the files CallingConventions.pdf, AnalyticalDistributions.pdf, and Diagram.pdf in the "doc" folder for more details and calling conventions, and the folder "examples" for the usage examples.
Compilation instructions:
For Windows users: use MS Visual Studio and open the gscodes.vcxproj project file.
For Linux or MacOS users: use make. Note for MacOS users: you may need to install the parallel OMP library firstly, e.g., "brew install libomp" (or "arch -x86-64 brew install libomp" for Macs with ARM processor).