I am not the best webmaster, but should be somewhat responsive. I intentionally using the bigger fonts to make, feel free to change it in main.css
Now light mode also supported.
Please make sure to set up your base_url with trailing slash:
base_url = "https://kuznetsov17.github.io/pico/"
Theme supports Giscuss for comments. The configuration is done via config.toml. Here you can see the example section used for this page deployment:
Customize the page blocks by setting configuration in [extra] section:
show_copyright = true / false # enables / disables footer with copyright
show_comments = true / false # enables / disables comments
show_shares = true / false # enables / disables section with social share buttons
show_toc = true / false # enables / disable TOC
show_date = true / false # displays publication date in page
I am using this theme for my notes, or probably blog. The section template supports pagination, tags, sorts the pages by publication date. You may see the working example here
The theme supports the search using elasticrunrjs. To enable the search, you will need the following configuration in config.toml:
build_search_index = true
index_format = "elasticlunr_json"
author = "John Doe" # author. Will be puth in page metadata
description = "Some description, if you somehow didn't set it in page / section settings"
logo_src = "images/logo.svg" # logo src
avatar_src = "images/avatar.png" # avatar src
index_page="index" # name of the index page. Should be one of top_menu to make things work
top_menu = ["index","features","notes"] # Menu items
copyright_string = "Сreated by John Doe in 2024 – %YEAR% for fun." # footer content. %YEAR% will be replaced with current year
nonce = "${SOME_HASH_VALUE}" # used for JavaScript src nonce
{% timeline() %}
"title":"Lorem Ipsum Event",
"body":"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.",
"title":"Lorem Ipsum event 2",
"body":"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.",
{% end %}
{% callout(type = 'warning') %}
This is an example of **Warning** callout. [Some link](#)
{% end %}
{% callout(type = 'alert') %}
This is an example of **Alert** callout. [Some link](#)
{% end %}
{% callout(type = 'info') %}
This is an example of **Info** callout. [Some link](#)
{% end %}
Read more on how to use mermaid in their documentation
{% mermaid() %}
branch develop
checkout develop
checkout main
merge develop
{% end %}
{% mermaid() %}
graph LR
A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
A --> C(Round Rect)
B --> D{Rhombus}
C --> D
{% end %}
- Giscuss for excellent comments system
- bootstrap icons for great social icons
- Urbanist Font
- Mulush Font