Pixiv API for Python (with Auth supported)
- [2015/08/11] Remove SPAI and release v3.0 (pixivpy3) (Public-API with Search API)
- [2015/05/16] As Pixiv deprecated SAPI in recent days, push new Public-API ranking_all
- [2014/10/07] New framework, SAPI / Public-API supported (requests needed)
Use pip for installing:
pip install pixivpy
Requirements: requests
from pixivpy3 import *
api = PixivAPI()
api.login("username", "password")
# get origin url
json_result = api.get_works(45455208)
illust = json_result.response[0]
print "origin url: %s" % illust.image_urls['large']
# get ranking (page1)
json_result = api.ranking_all('daily')
ranking = json_result.response[0]
for illust in ranking.works:
print "[%s] %s" % (illust.work.title, illust.work.image_urls.px_480mw)
- Replace
- Change deprecated SPAI call to Public-API call
print(">>> new ranking_all(mode='daily', page=1, per_page=50)")
#rank_list = api.sapi.ranking("all", 'day', 1)
rank_list = api.ranking_all('daily', 1, 50)
print rank_list
# more fields about response: https://github.com/upbit/pixivpy/wiki/sniffer
ranking = rank_list.response[0]
for img in ranking.works:
#print img.work
print "[%s/%s(id=%s)] %s" % (img.work.user.name, img.work.title, img.work.id, img.work.image_urls.px_480mw)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: [email protected]
Find Pixiv API in Objective-C? You might also like PixivAPI_iOS
class PixivAPI(object):
def bad_words(self):
# 作品详细
def works(self, illust_id):
# 用户资料
def users(self, author_id):
# 我的订阅
def me_feeds(self, show_r18=1):
# 用户作品
# publicity: public, private
def users_works(self, author_id, page=1, per_page=30, publicity='public'):
# 用户收藏
# publicity: public, private
def users_favorite_works(self, author_id, page=1, per_page=30, publicity='public'):
# 排行榜/过去排行榜
# mode:
# daily - 每日
# weekly - 每周
# monthly - 每月
# male - 男性热门
# female - 女性热门
# original - 原创
# rookie - Rookie
# daily_r18 - R18每日
# weekly_r18 - R18每周
# male_r18
# female_r18
# r18g
# page: 1-n
# date: '2015-04-01' (仅过去排行榜)
def ranking_all(self, mode='daily', page=1, per_page=50, date=None):
# 搜索
# query: 搜索的文字
# page: 1-n
# mode:
# text - 标题
# exact_tag - 标签
# order:
# desc - 新顺序
# asc - 旧顺序
def search_works(self, query, page=1, per_page=30, mode='text',
period='all', order='desc', sort='date'):
# 作品详细 PAPI.works
json_result = api.works(46363414)
print json_result
illust = json_result.response[0]
print ">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.caption, illust.image_urls['large'])
# 用户资料 PAPI.users
json_result = api.users(1184799)
print json_result
user = json_result.response[0]
print user.profile.introduction
# 我的订阅 PAPI.me_feeds
json_result = api.me_feeds(show_r18=0)
print json_result
ref_work = json_result.response[0].ref_work
print ref_work.title
# 用户作品 PAPI.users_works
json_result = api.users_works(1184799)
print json_result
illust = json_result.response[0]
print ">>> %s, origin url: %s" % (illust.caption, illust.image_urls['large'])
# 用户收藏 PAPI.users_favorite_works
json_result = api.users_favorite_works(1184799)
print json_result
illust = json_result.response[0].work
print ">>> %s origin url: %s" % (illust.caption, illust.image_urls['large'])
# 排行榜 PAPI.ranking_all
json_result = api.ranking_all('weekly', 1)
print json_result
illust = json_result.response[0].works[0].work
print ">>> %s origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large'])
# 过去排行榜 PAPI.ranking_all(2015-05-01)
json_result = api.ranking_all(mode='daily', page=1, date='2015-05-01')
print json_result
illust = json_result.response[0].works[0].work
print ">>> %s origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large'])
# 标题(text)/标签(exact_tag)搜索 PAPI.search_works
#json_result = api.search_works("五航戦 姉妹", page=1, mode='text')
json_result = api.search_works("水遊び", page=1, mode='exact_tag')
print json_result
illust = json_result.response[0]
print ">>> %s origin url: %s" % (illust.title, illust.image_urls['large'])
Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this project.