working on redeploying
NextGlass is a web application that uses your preferences in wine to suggest new wines to taste.
Make finding drinks easier. Rather than asking around, get recommendations from what you like. Let's try to find your NextGlass!
- User auth: sign up, login, logout
- Collection: create, edit, delete
- Collection page
- Landing page with categories
- Production README
- Team Links
- Search
- Future: suggestions with tensorflow
- Relevant data is stored in columns
- Some of the columns contains an array, containing some of 50+ tags
- Tables: users, collections, wines
Technical Challenges:
- Fetching data efficiently. We leveraged mongodb search index to enable fuzzy searching.
- Cleaning data. We used excel to:
- Remove all incomplete entries
- Create a list of common tags from the content of the descriptions
- Remove entries without the most common tags
- Trim down the 130k dataset to 10k
- Manipulating data
- Original data on kaggle
- split.js contains the final code we used to change the tags and tagindex data from strings to arrays
- symbols.js contains the final code we used to update the description data to use UTF-8 characters
- Landing page contains images linked to curated collections
Technical Challenges:
- Double fetching- fetching a collection, and then dependent wines. Final solution using thenable promises, as componentDidUpdate will be deprecated.
- Creating a recommendation model for suggesting drinks based on tags from the current collection
- Reading data from the MongoDB database to feed into the recommendation model
Katherine Wu, Malachi Coberley, David Chan
- Discuss database structure, querying - All
- Discuss UI/UX, sketch out wireframe - All
- Create routes, configuration, databases, possibly begin user auth - David
- Build sign up/login view - Malachi
- Begin creating recommendation model - Katherine
- Finish up user auth, start collections - David
- Simple recommendation model - Katherine
- Landing page skeleton, start individual collection page skeleton - Malachi
- Discuss how to implement curated collections - All
- Wine index component - Malachi
- Change wine tags data type - Katherine, David
- Wine component - David
- User's collections component - Malachi
- Tags query and component - Katherine
- Suggestions component - Malachi
- Collection's wines component - David
- Mongoose query and index for fuzzy search - Katherine
- Complete production README - Katherine
- Search component, about and credits components - Malachi
- Delete wines; refactor collections - David