To run the result of this Kata, it must be built using Maven (version 3.3.9 or newer):
mvn package
This will produce a runnable jar called gilded-rose.jar
in the target folder.
The jar can be run from the command line and requires two arguments:
- input CSV File, containing items with SellIn and Quality value
- a number of days that have elapsed (integer value)
java -jar ./target/gilded-rose.jar ./src/test/resources/com/gildedrose/GildedRoseRunnerTest-input.csv 18
The application will output the state of the items after the elapsed number of days to the standard output in CSV format.
Given the wide variety in CSV formats and options, the following points should be taken into account for best results:
- The first line must contain the headers:
- Values must be separated by commas:
Aged Brie,2,0
- Values containing commas must be quoted using double quotes:
"Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros", 0, 80
+5 Dexterity Vest,10,20
Aged Brie,2,0
Elixir of the Mongoose,5,7
"Sulfuras,Hand of Ragnaros",0,80
"Sulfuras,Hand of Ragnaros",-1,80
Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert,15,20
Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert,10,49
Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert,5,49
Conjured Mana Cake,3,6