Avantionary is to be a dictionary sort of program written in Python. (a web interface would be added later though). The application should be able to take in input (a word) and return the definitions of the word as an output. Other information that could be included in the output are synonyms and antonyms of the word.
Telegram Bot can be accessed via : https://t.me/avantionary_bot
- Create a sort of database with management capabilities.
- Take in words
- Return definition of words
- Create a telegram bot that serves as another input interface to the program.
- A user can send the word to the bot and the definitions, synonyms and antonyms will be received as a reply.
- Create an API in python.
- API will be linked with the web interface.
- It should link the database of words and meanings with the web interface.
- Add finishing touches
- Job Done; Project Completed!
- Creating Telegram Bot: https://youtu.be/NwBWW8cNCP4
- Creating a Simple Rest API: https://youtu.be/GMppyAPbLYk