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CMSC 320 Assignment 1: Introduction to Git and GitHub

Welcome to your first 320 assignment!! This portion will introduce you to the basic functionalities of Git and GitHub.

Here are some useful links that might be good to read through first

Part 1: Installation

Before we begin though, make sure you have Git is installed on your system. If it isn't, follow the instructions below

Git Installation

  • Windows: Download Git from and follow the installation instructions.
  • MacOS: You can install Git using Homebrew by running brew install git in your terminal.
  • Linux: Use your package manager to install Git, e.g., sudo apt-get install git for Debian/Ubuntu.

After installation, verify that Git is installed correctly by running:

git --version

This should display the version of Git installed on your system.

Part 2: Creating a Local Repository

  1. Fork this repository: Click on the "Fork" button at the top-right corner of this page. This will create a copy of the repository under your own account.

  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine:

    Make sure your SSH key is set up for this step. If you don't have one set up, generate a new one with this step by step.

    git clone [email protected]:USERNAME/REPOSITORY_NAME.git
  3. Navigate to the repository

  4. Set remote for moving changes to the remote repository

    The remote serves as an alias for where your changes are uploaded pushes and pulls.

    git remote set-url origin [email protected]:USERNAME/REPOSITORY_NAME.git

Part 3: Working with Another Branch

Step 1: Create a New File

  1. Create a new file called answers.txt:

    touch answers.txt

Step 2: Create and Switch to a New Branch

  1. Create a new branch named q1 and switch to it:

    git branch q1
  2. Switch to the new branch: checkout is an old way of doing it. The more modern command you can also use it switch.

    git checkout q1
  3. Add your answer to the first question in answers.txt: you can use any command line text editor, if you're unsure of which to use (look below)

    nano answers.txt

    Now copy this question into the file and answer it

    Q1: Why might be consider using git?
    Answer: [Your answer here]
  4. Stage and commit your changes:

    The status command gets users current changes

    git status

    You should see changes in red here, these changes are unstaged

    Then we want to "add" our changed files into the Staging area. The staging area is a place where you gather all your changes to then be committed all at once later.

    git add answers.txt

    If we run git status here, we will see that the changes are now green

    Lets go ahead and finalize our changes. This will essentially "commit" all our changes to our LOCAL repository -- this does not effect the remote repository .

    Each commit should have a quick summary of the purpose of your changes. This an be done by using the -m flag followed by your commit message. If you don't using it, a text editor will open for you to type in your commit message.

    git commit -m "answered Q1"

Step 3: Creating another branch

  1. Lets Switch back to the main branch:

  2. Create a new branch named q2 and switch to it:

  3. Add your answer to the second question in answers.txt:

    Q2: What field could data science be applied to? Give and Example and how it might help
    Answer: [Your answer here]
  4. Stage and commit your changes:

Step 4: Merging Branches and Resolving Conflicts

  1. Switch back to the main branch:

  2. Merge the q1 branch into main: Merging essentially applies the changes made on a certain feature branch to the current branch its on. So in this case, we will be combining q1 to our main branch

    git merge q1
  3. Then Merge the q2 branch into main:

    Here, you should have encountered a merge conflict, Git will inform you that there are conflicts in answers.txt. Open the file, resolve the conflicts manually using your command line text editor

    • <<<<< HEAD: signifies the beginning of your changes from the branch you are in
    • =====: This signifies the separation between the two merges. Anything above is the content from the first branch, everything below is from the content of the merging branch
    • >>>>>: This specified the end of the conflic

    You can resolve these conflicts by removing the 3 from above^.Make sure that you have the answer and question to both problems

  4. Stage the resolved file and commit the merge:

    git add answers.txt
    git commit -m "resolved merge conflict"

Part 4: Working with Rebasing

Step 1: Open answers.txt and copy/answer this question in main

Q3: What is the difference between merging and rebasing?

Answer: [Your answer here]

stage/commit when youre done

Step 2: Create a New Branch

  1. Create a new branch named q3 and switch to it:

  2. Add your answer to the fourth question in answers.txt:

    Q4: What skills do you hope to improve during this course?
    Answer: [Your answer here]
  3. Stage and commit your changes:

Step 2: Rebase the New Branch onto main

  1. Switch back to the main branch:

    git checkout main
  2. Rebase the q3 branch onto main:

    rebase essentially "replays" the changes that we made from out feature branch q3 on our main branch.

    git rebase q3
  3. Resolve any conflicts

    We didn't in this case, but if we did multiple different commits during our feature branch q3, we can use --continue to move to the next commit of out feature branch.

    git rebase --continue

    If we rebase multiple commits, but we want to discard the changes in the middle of the rebase process, we can do an --abort to disgard these changes.

    git rebase --abort
  4. View Commits

    git log

    Notice that in the log enumerates all the commits we have added in order. When we first used the merge command an additional commit is incurred to contain our patches. When you use rebase for more complex changes, there is no additional commit needed here. Instead when rebasing, your git client modifies the feature commits to be merged without conflict.

    For more information, visit here

  5. Push changes to remote repository

    push allows us to upload our changes from our local repository to our remote repository on github

    git push origin main

Submission Instructions

  1. Submit a link to your github for gradescope


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