Note: Not tested in production
This is a basic gem that provides a FluentLoggerRails::Logger which can be swapped instead of the default Rails 3 logger.
In order to swap the Rails default logger, we require the railtie included in the gem so that it is loaded during Rails initialization process.
gem 'fluent-logger-rails', :require => 'fluent_logger_rails/railtie'
You will also need to specify the following on a config/fluent_logger.yml
to connect to the fluentd process. You can also include erb tags to specify settings during runtime.
fluent_host: ''
fluent_port: 24224
appname: 'rails3_test'
Otherwise, you can set up the following environment variables when starting the rails server. By default, the port used by fluentd is 24224.
APPLICATION_NAME='appname' rails server thin
On the fluentd side, you will need to setup the proper configuration so that it matches the tag of your application. Example:
<match appname.**>
type stdout
By including this gem, all of the calls to logger
will be rendered as a JSON message
and sent to the fluentd process.
class MessagesController < ApplicationController
def index "Something happened"
render :text => "nothing"
…will send the following to fluentd
rails3_test.stdout: { "text":" Processing by MessagesController#index as HTML", "level":"INFO" }