Customizable DIG search and visualization interface for any domain
- Polymer
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Gulp.js
- Bower
- Web Component Tester
- Vulcanize
- Docker
- Lodash
- JSHint
- Polymer Elements
- DIG Elements
npm install -g gulp-cli
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g bower
npm install -g polyserve
npm install -g web-component-tester
git clone
cd dig-ui
npm install
bower install
Copy dig-ui/server/config/local.env.sample.js to dig-ui/server/config/local.env.js and edit the available configuration options:
Configuration Option | Description | Default |
CONFIG_ENDPOINT | The location for the config REST service. | 'http://localhost:1234' |
CONFIG_PASSWORD | The password for the config REST service. | '' |
CONFIG_USERNAME | The username for the config REST service. | '' |
DATABASE_TYPE | The database type: either 'full' or 'sample'. | 'sample' |
DEFAULT_PROJECT | The default project. | undefined |
ES_HOST | The stringified object containing the location of elasticsearch. | '{"host": "http://localhost:9200"}' |
IMAGE_SERVICE_AUTH | The stringified object containing the username and password authorization for the similar image REST service. | '{"user": "", "password": ""}' |
IMAGE_SERVICE_HOST | The stringified object containing the location for the similar image REST service. The "url" property is for GET requests sending a specific image URL. The "base64" property is for POST requests sending specific image base64 data. | {"url": "", "base64": ""} |
LOG_INDEX | The elasticsearch log index name. | 'dig-logs' |
LOG_TYPE | The elasticsearch log index type. | 'log' |
SEARCH_CONFIG | The stringified object containing locations for the search REST service (from project configs) mapped to replacement locations. | undefined |
STATE_INDEX | The elasticsearch state index name. | 'dig-states' |
STATE_TYPE | The elasticsearch state index type. | 'state' |
TAG_ENTITY_ENDPOINT | The entity endpoint for the tag REST service. | undefined |
TAG_EXTRACTION_ENDPOINT | The extraction endpoint for the tag REST service. | undefined |
TAG_LIST_ENDPOINT | The tag list endpoint for the tag REST service. | undefined |
gulp serve
gulp lint
gulp test
First update the application version in package.json. Then run:
First update the application version in package.json. Then run:
gulp docker
This will build & vulcanize the application, build a docker image named digmemex/digui:[version] (using the version from the package.json file) and push it to Docker Hub.