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maxrev17 edited this page Jun 13, 2012 · 2 revisions

Packages To Install:

  • sudo apt-get install tasksel

  • sudo tasksel install lamp-server

  • sudo apt-get install php5-dev php5-cli php-pear (taskel may have already installed some of these)

  • sudo apt-get install git (if you don't already have it!)

  • sudo pecl install mongo (requires php pear)

  • sudo apt-get install mongodb

  • Optional:


  • create a folder ~/www/
  • cd into the folder and clone the KyotoUI repository
  • change the permissions on rockmongo folder recursively to be full access (chmod 777 -R rockmongo)
  • do the same to the templates_c folder which has been cloned into the repo (chmod 777 -R templates_c) (you may need to be sudo to change these permissions I'm not sure)

Configuration Files:

  • modify php.ini so that it has the line: (sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini)

  • Optional:

    • modify rockmongo/config.php: (just paste this bad boy in)

         * RockMongo configuration
         * Defining default options and server configuration
         * @package rockmongo
        $MONGO = array();
        $MONGO["features"]["log_query"] = "off";//log queries
        $MONGO["features"]["theme"] = "default";//theme
        $MONGO["features"]["plugins"] = "on";//plugins
        $i = 0;
        * Configuration of MongoDB servers
        * @see more details at
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_name"] = "Localhost";//mongo server name
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_host"] = "";//mongo host
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_port"] = "27017";//mongo port
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_timeout"] = 0;//mongo connection timeout
        //$MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_db"] = "presage";//default mongo db to connect, works only if mongo_auth=false
        //$MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_user"] = "";//mongo authentication user name, works only if mongo_auth=false
        //$MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_pass"] = "";//mongo authentication password, works only if mongo_auth=false
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_auth"] = false;//enable mongo authentication?
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["control_auth"] = false;//enable control users, works only if mongo_auth=false
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["control_users"]["admin"] = "admin";//one of control users [USERNAME]=PASSWORD, works only if mongo_auth=false
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["ui_only_dbs"] = "";//databases to display
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["ui_hide_dbs"] = "";//databases to hide
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["ui_hide_collections"] = "";//collections to hide
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["ui_hide_system_collections"] = false;//if hide the system collections
        $i ++;
         * mini configuration for another mongo server
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_name"] = "Localhost2";
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_host"] = "";
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["mongo_port"] = "27018";
        $MONGO["servers"][$i]["control_users"]["admin"] = "admin";
        $i ++;
  • Now...we need to set up our hosts file and virtual hosts...

    • Hosts:

      • Go to the command line and type sudo gedit /etc/hosts (tab complete it) make sure the line: localhost is present.
    • Virtual Hosts:

      • sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

      • Replace the contents with this (note that Document Root and Directory refer to the path where your KyotoInterface repo was cloned to):

          <VirtualHost *:80>
          	ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
          	DocumentRoot /home/max/www/KyotoUI
          	<Directory />
          		Options FollowSymLinks
          		AllowOverride None
          	<Directory /home/max/www/KyotoUI>
          		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
          		AllowOverride None
          		Order allow,deny
          		allow from all
          	ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
          	<Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
          		AllowOverride None
          		Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
          		Order allow,deny
          		Allow from all
          	ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
          	# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
          	# alert, emerg.
          	LogLevel warn
          	CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
              Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"
              <Directory "/usr/share/doc/">
                  Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
                  AllowOverride None
                  Order deny,allow
                  Deny from all
                  Allow from ::1/128
  • Now type on the command line: sudo service apache2 restart also check mongo is ok: sudo service mongodb restart

  • head to your browser and navigate to localhost - you should see the project! if you installed rockmongo, localhost/rockmongo/index.php should be the rockmongo ui

If not...give me a call or something!!

You may also wish to install netbeans - the .gitignore will ignore all netbeans files so feel free to make the project in the KyotoInterface directory. It is a great IDE for php :). You could use eclipse but it is pretty crap - if you do please update the .gitignore to match the ecplise files (same as in the kyoto repo).

NB if you haven't run the web ui by Sam for presage2 you won't have the presage collection in the database which may cause a bit of database connection trouble. So if you have that problem either run the presage2 web ui or give me a shout.

Lots of love,


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