This is a test for communication between Ren'Py and an editor. This is mainly intended to do real time preview in Ren'Py like lightvn
youtube samples:
- Place editor_interaction.rpy into your game directory.
- Set your Editor to edit interaction_file and write the code which is done by Ren'Py.
This example is vim script
"" auto warp
let g:interaction_pass="E:/Soft/renpy/the_question/game/interaction_file"
function! WarpToCurrentLine()
if &modified
let file_path = expand("%:p")
let file_path = split(expand("%:p"), "game")[-1][1:]
let line_number = line('.')
let warp_to_line = "renpy.warp_to_line('".file_path.":".line_number."')"
"" write 'renpy.warp_to_line("<current file>:<current line number>")' on temp file.
call writefile([warp_to_line], g:interaction_pass)
augroup renpy
"" WarpToCurrentLine function is called per cursor move.
autocmd CursorMoved *rpy call WarpToCurrentLine()
augroup END
- launch the game and set _editor_interaction.interaction_on = 1 then communication with the editor starts.