This is a clone of the git command line tool, the intention of this project is educational
- stack run
- This was pretty standard, one thing to note was createDirectoryIfMissing which is a really useful function.
Using lazy byte string might give better performance for larger files, however using it hear results ina file handle error.
I used deepseq to make it eagerly evaluate as a quick fix but this probably destroys any value in using Lazy ByteString over ByteString.
I tried to use Monads to make the operations safe especially around the files not being present.
I also tried to implement this as a library but it was easier in the end to just put all the files into app
This one was surprising quick to implement mostly due to the SHA library
For this task I refactored the code and created a Utils.hs file for common functions that really helped.
I think this task might have been quick due to how I structured the code in previous tasks
This one was the hardest yet, I wrote a lot of code and made early progress the structure of the project and the refactoring really helped. However when I ran the tests it was giving out badly parsed strings I though this was stemming from bad implementation of the Hex types. In the end I had to learn how to use Trace to debug it then the issue became apparent, I wasnt parsing the string correctly in ParseEnties
Following passing the tests I refactored the project, I moved functions common to multiple functions into Util files in a utils foleder and created an Index to wrap them all. The intention here is to make the next steps easier.
Compared to the http server which I did all in one file the code for this one is growing fast. I could probably refactor to reduce the code foot print but I think using a function per command makes it a lot easier to reason about and develop.
For this one I became very familiar with mapM_, Trace and was able to use an ADT