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Anything-LLM All-in-One Helm Chart


A Helm chart, that allows your easy way to deploy anything-llm. But also allows you to deploy anything-llm with different components like chromadb, nvidia-device-plugin, ollama, and more.

Version: 1.1.2

AppVersion: 1.2.2


Name Email Url
la-cc [email protected]

Introduction - Anything-LLM Helm Chart

Thanks to the work of Mintplex-Labs for creating anything-llm! If you like it, feel free to leave a ⭐️ on the anything-llm or contribute to the project or booth!

This chart allows you to deploy Anything-LLM on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. Anything-LLM is a versatile API that can be used to interact with various language models, embedding models, and vector databases.

To get an idea, here is a visual representation of a simplified architecture:

Anything-LLM Architecture

The full list of supported LLMs, Vector DBs and Embedder can be found under Supported LLMs, Embedder Models, Speech models, and Vector Databases

The easiest way to start with anything-llm is to use the default components with OpenAI API like:

Anything-LLM Architecture

This is how the ui looks like after deploying the easiest way:

Anything-LLM Architecture

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name anything-llm:

$ helm repo add anything-llm
$ helm repo update
$ helm install anything-llm anything-llm/anything-llm

Or if you like you can also template the manifest and apply it directly:

Note: Don't template the secret, its not recommended to store the secret in the manifest. Its just for demonstration purposes and to keep the process simple. Please create a secret and reference it in the values.yaml.

$ helm template anything-llm anything-llm/anything-llm -f values.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

The next section "Requirements" is only required, if you want replace anyrhing-llm components like llm, embedded, vector db with your own components. If you want to use the default components, you can skip the next section.


Repository Name Version chromadb 0.1.20 nvidia-device-plugin 0.3.9 ollama 0.61.0


Key Type Default Description
chromadb.chromadb.auth.enabled bool false
chromadb.enabled bool false
chromadb.service.type string "ClusterIP"
config object {"EMBEDDING_MODEL_MAX_CHUNK_LENGTH":"8192","EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF":"nomic-embed-text:1.5","STORAGE_DIR":"/app/server/storage","TTS_PROVIDER":"native","VECTOR_DB":"lancedb","WHISPER_PROVIDER":"local"} Configuration for the application.
config.EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF string "nomic-embed-text:1.5" Configuration for the embedding model.
config.VECTOR_DB string "lancedb" Configuration for the vector db like lanceDB (in storage) or chroma DB (external), etc.
fullnameOverride string "anything-llm" Override the full name of the chart.
image object {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"1.2.2"} Configuration for the Docker image used by the pod.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The pull policy for the image. IfNotPresent means the image will only be pulled if it is not already present locally.
image.repository string "" The Docker repository to pull the image from.
image.tag string "1.2.2" The specific tag of the image to use.
ingress object {"annotations":{"":"letsencrypt-dns","":"360h","":"/"},"enabled":true,"hosts":[{"host":"","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]}],"ingressClassName":"nginx","tls":[{"hosts":[""],"secretName":"anything-llm-tls"}]} Ingress configuration.
ingress.annotations object {"":"letsencrypt-dns","":"360h","":"/"} Ingress annotations.
ingress.enabled bool true Enable ingress.
ingress.hosts list [{"host":"","paths":[{"path":"/","pathType":"Prefix"}]}] Ingress hosts.
ingress.ingressClassName string "nginx" Ingress class name.
ingress.tls list [{"hosts":[""],"secretName":"anything-llm-tls"}] TLS configuration for ingress.
nvidia-device-plugin.enabled bool false
nvidia-device-plugin.fullnameOverride string "nvidia-device-plugin"
nvidia-device-plugin.resources.limits."" int 1
nvidia-device-plugin.tolerations[0].effect string "NoSchedule"
nvidia-device-plugin.tolerations[0].key string ""
nvidia-device-plugin.tolerations[0].operator string "Exists"
ollama.autoscaling.enabled bool false
ollama.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 1
ollama.enabled bool false
ollama.fullnameOverride string "ollama"
ollama.image.repository string "ollama/ollama"
ollama.image.tag string "0.3.12"
ollama.ollama.gpu.enabled bool true
ollama.ollama.models[0] string "gemma2"
ollama.ollama.number int 1
ollama.ollama.type string "nvidia"
ollama.persistentVolume.accessModes[0] string "ReadWriteOnce"
ollama.persistentVolume.enabled bool true
ollama.persistentVolume.size string "50Gi"
ollama.persistentVolume.storageClass string ""
ollama.tolerations[0].effect string "NoSchedule"
ollama.tolerations[0].key string "ai"
ollama.tolerations[0].operator string "Equal"
ollama.tolerations[0].value string "true"
persistence object {"accessMode":"ReadWriteOnce","enabled":true,"size":"10Gi","volumes":[{"mountPath":"/app/server/storage","name":"server-storage"}]} Persistence configuration.
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce" Access mode for the persistent volume.
persistence.enabled bool true Enable persistence.
persistence.size string "10Gi" Size of the persistent volume.
persistence.volumes list [{"mountPath":"/app/server/storage","name":"server-storage"}] List of volumes to create.
replicaCount int 1 Number of pod replicas to deploy.
secret object {"data":{"AUTH_TOKEN":"replace-me","JWT_SECRET":"replace-me"},"enabled":true,"name":""} Secret configuration. object {"AUTH_TOKEN":"replace-me","JWT_SECRET":"replace-me"} Secret data.
secret.enabled bool true Enable secrets. string "" Name of the secret, if not set, a secret is generated.
service object {"port":3001,"type":"ClusterIP"} Service configuration.
service.port int 3001 Service port.
service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2

Configuration Example Value Description
SERVER_PORT 3001 Port on which the server will run.
STORAGE_DIR "/app/server/storage" Directory for storing application data.
UID 1000 User ID for running the application.
GID 1000 Group ID for running the application.
SIG_KEY 'passphrase' Passphrase for signing (requires at least 32 characters).
SIG_SALT 'salt' Salt for signing (requires at least 32 characters).
JWT_SECRET "my-random-string-for-seeding" Secret for JWT authentication (requires at least 12 characters).

LLM API Selection

Configuration Example Value Description
LLM_PROVIDER 'openai' Provider for the LLM API.
OPEN_AI_KEY sk-xxxx API key for OpenAI.
OPEN_MODEL_PREF 'gpt-4o' Preferred OpenAI model.
GEMINI_API_KEY sk-gemini-xxxx API key for Gemini.
GEMINI_LLM_MODEL_PREF 'gemini-pro' Preferred Gemini model.
AZURE_OPENAI_KEY 50f.. API key for Azure OpenAI.
ANTHROPIC_API_KEY sk-ant-xxxx API key for Anthropic.
ANTHROPIC_MODEL_PREF 'claude-2' Preferred Anthropic model.
LMSTUDIO_BASE_PATH 'http://your-server:1234/v1' Base path for LMStudio API.
LMSTUDIO_MODEL_PREF 'Loaded from Chat UI' Preferred LMStudio model.
LMSTUDIO_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT 4096 Token limit for LMStudio model.
LOCAL_AI_BASE_PATH 'http://host.docker.internal:8080/v1' Base path for Local AI API.
LOCAL_AI_MODEL_PREF 'luna-ai-llama2' Preferred Local AI model.
LOCAL_AI_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT 4096 Token limit for Local AI model.
LOCAL_AI_API_KEY "sk-123abc" API key for Local AI.
OLLAMA_BASE_PATH 'http://host.docker.internal:11434' Base path for Ollama API.
OLLAMA_MODEL_PREF 'llama2' Preferred Ollama model.
OLLAMA_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT 4096 Token limit for Ollama model.
TOGETHER_AI_API_KEY 'my-together-ai-key' API key for Together AI.
TOGETHER_AI_MODEL_PREF 'mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1' Preferred Together AI model.
MISTRAL_API_KEY 'example-mistral-ai-api-key' API key for Mistral.
MISTRAL_MODEL_PREF 'mistral-tiny' Preferred Mistral model.
PERPLEXITY_API_KEY 'my-perplexity-key' API key for Perplexity.
PERPLEXITY_MODEL_PREF 'codellama-34b-instruct' Preferred Perplexity model.
OPENROUTER_API_KEY 'my-openrouter-key' API key for OpenRouter.
OPENROUTER_MODEL_PREF 'openrouter/auto' Preferred OpenRouter model.
HUGGING_FACE_LLM_ENDPOINT Endpoint for Hugging Face LLM.
HUGGING_FACE_LLM_API_KEY hf_xxxxxx API key for Hugging Face LLM.
HUGGING_FACE_LLM_TOKEN_LIMIT 8000 Token limit for Hugging Face LLM.
GROQ_API_KEY gsk_abcxyz API key for Groq.
GROQ_MODEL_PREF 'llama3-8b-8192' Preferred Groq model.
KOBOLD_CPP_BASE_PATH '' Base path for KoboldCPP API.
KOBOLD_CPP_MODEL_PREF 'koboldcpp/codellama-7b-instruct.Q4_K_S' Preferred KoboldCPP model.
KOBOLD_CPP_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT 4096 Token limit for KoboldCPP model.
TEXT_GEN_WEB_UI_BASE_PATH '' Base path for TextGenWebUI API.
TEXT_GEN_WEB_UI_TOKEN_LIMIT 4096 Token limit for TextGenWebUI model.
TEXT_GEN_WEB_UI_API_KEY "sk-123abc" API key for TextGenWebUI.
GENERIC_OPEN_AI_BASE_PATH '' Base path for Generic OpenAI API.
GENERIC_OPEN_AI_MODEL_PREF 'gpt-3.5-turbo' Preferred Generic OpenAI model.
GENERIC_OPEN_AI_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT 4096 Token limit for Generic OpenAI model.
GENERIC_OPEN_AI_API_KEY "sk-123abc" API key for Generic OpenAI.
LITE_LLM_MODEL_PREF 'gpt-3.5-turbo' Preferred LiteLLM model.
LITE_LLM_MODEL_TOKEN_LIMIT 4096 Token limit for LiteLLM model.
LITE_LLM_BASE_PATH '' Base path for LiteLLM API.
LITE_LLM_API_KEY "sk-123abc" API key for LiteLLM.
COHERE_API_KEY "" API key for Cohere.
COHERE_MODEL_PREF 'command-r' Preferred Cohere model.

Embedding API Selection

Configuration Example Value Description
EMBEDDING_ENGINE 'openai' Embedding engine to use.
EMBEDDING_MODEL_PREF 'text-embedding-ada-002' Preferred embedding model.
EMBEDDING_MODEL_MAX_CHUNK_LENGTH 8192 Maximum chunk length for embedding model.
EMBEDDING_BASE_PATH 'http://localhost:8080/v1' Base path for embedding API.
GENERIC_OPEN_AI_EMBEDDING_API_KEY "sk-123abc" API key for Generic OpenAI Embedding.

Vector Database Selection

Configuration Example Value Description
VECTOR_DB 'chroma' Vector database to use.
CHROMA_ENDPOINT 'http://host.docker.internal:8000' Endpoint for Chroma database.
CHROMA_API_HEADER "X-Api-Key" API header for Chroma database.
CHROMA_API_KEY "sk-123abc" API key for Chroma database.
PINECONE_API_KEY "" API key for Pinecone database.
PINECONE_INDEX "" Index for Pinecone database.
WEAVIATE_ENDPOINT 'http://localhost:8080' Endpoint for Weaviate database.
WEAVIATE_API_KEY "" API key for Weaviate database.
QDRANT_ENDPOINT 'http://localhost:6333' Endpoint for Qdrant database.
QDRANT_API_KEY "" API key for Qdrant database.
MILVUS_ADDRESS 'http://localhost:19530' Address for Milvus database.
MILVUS_USERNAME "" Username for Milvus database.
MILVUS_PASSWORD "" Password for Milvus database.
ZILLIZ_ENDPOINT '' Endpoint for Zilliz database.
ZILLIZ_API_TOKEN 'api-token-here' API token for Zilliz database.
ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN "" Application token for Astra DB.
ASTRA_DB_ENDPOINT "" Endpoint for Astra DB.

Audio Model Selection

Configuration Example Value Description
WHISPER_PROVIDER 'local' Provider for Whisper model.
OPEN_AI_KEY sk-xxxxxxx API key for OpenAI (for Whisper model).

TTS/STT Model Selection

Configuration Example Value Description
TTS_PROVIDER 'native' Provider for TTS (Text-to-Speech).
TTS_OPEN_AI_KEY sk-example API key for OpenAI (for TTS model).
TTS_OPEN_AI_VOICE_MODEL 'nova' Preferred OpenAI TTS voice model.
TTS_ELEVEN_LABS_KEY "" API key for Eleven Labs (for TTS model).
TTS_ELEVEN_LABS_VOICE_MODEL '21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM' Preferred Eleven Labs TTS voice model (e.g., Rachel).

Cloud Deployment Variables

Configuration Example Value Description
AUTH_TOKEN "hunter2" Password for your application if remote hosting.
DISABLE_TELEMETRY "false" Disable telemetry if set to true.

Password Complexity

Configuration Example Value Description
PASSWORDMINCHAR 8 Minimum password length.
PASSWORDMAXCHAR 250 Maximum password length.
PASSWORDLOWERCASE 1 Minimum number of lowercase letters in the password.
PASSWORDUPPERCASE 1 Minimum number of uppercase letters in the password.
PASSWORDNUMERIC 1 Minimum number of numeric digits in the password.
PASSWORDSYMBOL 1 Minimum number of symbols in the password.
PASSWORDREQUIREMENTS 4 Total number of password requirements to be met.

HTTPS Server Configuration

Configuration Example Value Description
ENABLE_HTTPS "true" Enable HTTPS server.
HTTPS_CERT_PATH "sslcert/cert.pem" Path to the SSL certificate.
HTTPS_KEY_PATH "sslcert/key.pem" Path to the SSL key.

Agent Service Keys

Configuration Example Value Description
AGENT_GSE_KEY "" API key for Google Search.
AGENT_GSE_CTX "" Context key for Google Search.
AGENT_BING_SEARCH_API_KEY "" API key for Bing Search.