Pre release version
PPanGGOLiN can annotate and build gene families by itself for an easier use, or use annotated genomes and formerly built gene families directly.
PPanGGOLiN can have more than 3 partition and can estimate the optimal number of partitions.
PPanGGOLiN can run parts of its pipeline separatly for better parameter tuning.
PPanGGOLiN can provide a number of output files that will illustrate or describe your pangenome.
PPanGGOLiN uses a HDF5 file to store all the informations related to a pangenome, and reuse or re-generate any of those data for further analysis.
PPanGGOLiN makes a better use of CPUs in a multithreaded run.
PPanGGOLiN can project the pangenome's partitions on a given protein set.
PPanGGOLiN is compatible with macOS
and a lot of bugfixes. (and maybe some new)