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AWS EKS Universal Addon Terraform module

A Terraform module to deploy the universal addon on Amazon EKS cluster.

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Deployment methods


Deploy Helm chart via Helm resource (default method, set enabled = true)

Argo Kubernetes

Deploy Helm chart as ArgoCD Application via Kubernetes manifest resource (set enabled = true and argo_enabled = true)


When deploying with ArgoCD application, Kubernetes terraform provider requires access to Kubernetes cluster API during plan time. This introduces potential issue when you want to deploy the cluster with this addon at the same time, during the same Terraform run.

To overcome this issue, the module deploys the ArgoCD application object using the Helm provider, which does not require API access during plan. If you want to deploy the application using this workaround, you can set the argo_helm_enabled variable to true.

Argo Helm

Deploy Helm chart as ArgoCD Application via Helm resource (set enabled = true, argo_enabled = true and argo_helm_enabled = true)


See basic example for further information.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.5.0
aws ~> 5
helm >= 2.6.0
kubernetes >= 2.20.0
utils >= 0.17.0


Name Source Version
addon git:: v0.0.12
addon-irsa git:: v0.0.12
addon-oidc git:: v0.0.12


Name Type
utils_deep_merge_yaml.values data source


Variables defined in variables-addon[-irsa|oidc].tf defaults to null to have them overridable by the addon configuration defined though the local.addon[_irsa|oidc].* local variable with the default values defined in addon[-irsa|oidc].tf.


Name Description Type
argo_apiversion ArgoCD Application apiVersion. Defaults to string
argo_destination_server Destination server for ArgoCD Application. Defaults to https://kubernetes.default.svc. string
argo_enabled If set to true, the module will be deployed as ArgoCD Application, otherwise it will be deployed as a Helm release. Defaults to false. bool
argo_helm_enabled If set to true, the ArgoCD Application manifest will be deployed using Kubernetes provider as a Helm release. Otherwise it'll be deployed as a Kubernetes manifest. See README for more info. Defaults to false. bool
argo_helm_values Value overrides to use when deploying ArgoCD Application object with Helm. Defaults to "". string
argo_helm_wait_backoff_limit Backoff limit for ArgoCD Application Helm release wait job. Defaults to 6. number
argo_helm_wait_node_selector Node selector for ArgoCD Application Helm release wait job. Defaults to {}. map(string)
argo_helm_wait_timeout Timeout for ArgoCD Application Helm release wait job. Defaults to 10m. string
argo_helm_wait_tolerations Tolerations for ArgoCD Application Helm release wait job. Defaults to []. list(any)
argo_info ArgoCD Application manifest info parameter. Defaults to [{"name": "terraform", "value": "true"}]. list(any)
argo_kubernetes_manifest_computed_fields List of paths of fields to be handled as "computed". The user-configured value for the field will be overridden by any different value returned by the API after apply. Defaults to ["metadata.labels", "metadata.annotations", "metadata.finalizers"]. list(string)
argo_kubernetes_manifest_field_manager_force_conflicts Forcibly override any field manager conflicts when applying the kubernetes manifest resource. Defaults to false. bool
argo_kubernetes_manifest_field_manager_name The name of the field manager to use when applying the Kubernetes manifest resource. Defaults to Terraform. string
argo_kubernetes_manifest_wait_fields A map of fields and a corresponding regular expression with a pattern to wait for. The provider will wait until the field matches the regular expression. Use * for any value. Defaults to {}. map(string)
argo_metadata ArgoCD Application metadata configuration. Override or create additional metadata parameters. Defaults to {"finalizers": [""]}. any
argo_namespace Namespace to deploy ArgoCD Application CRD to. Defaults to argo. string
argo_project ArgoCD Application project. Defaults to default. string
argo_spec ArgoCD Application spec configuration. Override or create additional spec parameters. Defaults to {}. any
argo_sync_policy ArgoCD Application manifest syncPolicy parameter. Defaults to {}. any
cluster_identity_oidc_issuer The OIDC Identity issuer for the cluster (required). string
cluster_identity_oidc_issuer_arn The OIDC Identity issuer ARN for the cluster that can be used to associate IAM roles with a Service Account (required). string
enabled Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources. bool
helm_atomic If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The wait flag will be set automatically if atomic is used. Defaults to false. bool
helm_chart_name Helm chart name to be installed (required). string
helm_chart_version Version of the Helm chart (required). string
helm_cleanup_on_fail Allow deletion of new resources created in this Helm upgrade when upgrade fails. Defaults to false. bool
helm_create_namespace Create the Namespace if it does not yet exist. Defaults to true. bool
helm_dependency_update Runs Helm dependency update before installing the chart. Defaults to false. bool
helm_description Set Helm release description attribute (visible in the history). Defaults to "". string
helm_devel Use Helm chart development versions, too. Equivalent to version '>0.0.0-0'. If version is set, this is ignored. Defaults to false. bool
helm_disable_openapi_validation If set, the installation process will not validate rendered Helm templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema. Defaults to false. bool
helm_disable_webhooks Prevent Helm chart hooks from running. Defaults to false. bool
helm_enabled Set to false to prevent installation of the module via Helm release. Defaults to true. bool
helm_force_update Force Helm resource update through delete/recreate if needed. Defaults to false. bool
helm_keyring Location of public keys used for verification. Used only if helm_package_verify is true. Defaults to ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg. string
helm_lint Run the Helm chart linter during the plan. Defaults to false. bool
helm_package_verify Verify the package before installing it. Helm uses a provenance file to verify the integrity of the chart; this must be hosted alongside the chart. Defaults to false. bool
helm_postrender Value block with a path to a binary file to run after Helm renders the manifest which can alter the manifest contents. Defaults to {}. map(any)
helm_recreate_pods Perform pods restart during Helm upgrade/rollback. Defaults to false. bool
helm_release_max_history Maximum number of release versions stored per release. Defaults to 0. number
helm_release_name Helm release name (required). string
helm_render_subchart_notes If set, render Helm subchart notes along with the parent. Defaults to true. bool
helm_replace Re-use the given name of Helm release, only if that name is a deleted release which remains in the history. This is unsafe in production. Defaults to false. bool
helm_repo_ca_file Helm repositories CA cert file. Defaults to "". string
helm_repo_cert_file Helm repositories cert file. Defaults to "". string
helm_repo_key_file Helm repositories cert key file. Defaults to "". string
helm_repo_password Password for HTTP basic authentication against the Helm repository. Defaults to "". string
helm_repo_url Helm repository (required). string
helm_repo_username Username for HTTP basic authentication against the Helm repository. Defaults to "". string
helm_reset_values When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the Helm chart. Defaults to false. bool
helm_reuse_values When upgrading, reuse the last Helm release's values and merge in any overrides. If helm_reset_values is specified, this is ignored. Defaults to false. bool
helm_set_sensitive Value block with custom sensitive values to be merged with the values yaml that won't be exposed in the plan's diff. Defaults to {}. map(any)
helm_skip_crds If set, no CRDs will be installed before Helm release. Defaults to false. bool
helm_timeout Time in seconds to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). Defaults to 300. number
helm_wait Will wait until all Helm release resources are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout. Defaults to false. bool
helm_wait_for_jobs If wait is enabled, will wait until all Helm Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout. Defaults to false. bool
irsa_additional_policies Map of the additional policies to be attached to IRSA role. Where key is arbitrary id and value is policy ARN. Defaults to {}. map(string)
irsa_assume_role_arns List of ARNs assumable by the IRSA role. Applied only if irsa_assume_role_enabled is true. Defaults to []. list(string)
irsa_assume_role_enabled Whether IRSA is allowed to assume role defined by irsa_assume_role_arn. Mutually exclusive with irsa_policy_enabled. Defaults to false. bool
irsa_assume_role_policy_condition_test Specifies the condition test to use for the assume role trust policy. Defaults to StringEquals. string
irsa_assume_role_policy_condition_values Specifies the values for the assume role trust policy condition. Each entry in this list must follow the required format system:serviceaccount:$service_account_namespace:$service_account_name. If this variable is left as the default, local.irsa_assume_role_policy_condition_values_default is used instead, which is a list containing a single value. Note that if this list is defined, the service_account_name and service_account_namespace variables are ignored. Defaults to []. list(string)
irsa_permissions_boundary ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the IRSA role. Defaults to null. string
irsa_policy AWS IAM policy JSON document to be attached to the IRSA role. Applied only if irsa_policy_enabled is true. Defaults to "". string
irsa_policy_enabled Whether to create IAM policy specified by irsa_policy. Mutually exclusive with irsa_assume_role_enabled. Defaults to false. bool
irsa_role_create Whether to create IRSA role and annotate Service Account. Defaults to true. bool
irsa_role_name IRSA role name. The value is prefixed by irsa_role_name_prefix. Either irsa_role_name or irsa_role_name_prefix must be set. Defaults to "". string
irsa_role_name_prefix IRSA role name prefix. Either irsa_role_name_prefix or irsa_role_name must be set. Defaults to "". string
irsa_tags IRSA resources tags. Defaults to {}. map(string)
namespace The Kubernetes Namespace in which the Helm chart will be installed (required). string
oidc_additional_policies Map of the additional policies to be attached to OIDC role. Where key is arbitrary id and value is policy ARN. Defaults to {}. map(string)
oidc_assume_role_arns List of ARNs assumable by the OIDC role. Applied only if oidc_assume_role_enabled is true. Defaults to []. list(string)
oidc_assume_role_enabled Whether OIDC is allowed to assume role defined by oidc_assume_role_arn. Mutually exclusive with oidc_policy_enabled. Defaults to false. bool
oidc_assume_role_policy_condition_test Specifies the condition test to use for the assume role trust policy. Defaults to StringLike. string
oidc_assume_role_policy_condition_values Specifies the values for the assume role trust policy condition. Defaults to []. list(string)
oidc_assume_role_policy_condition_variable Specifies the variable to use for the assume role trust policy. Defaults to "". string
oidc_custom_provider_arn Specifies a custom OIDC provider ARN. Defaults to "". string
oidc_openid_client_ids List of OpenID Connect client IDs that are allowed to assume the OIDC provider. Defaults to []. list(string)
oidc_openid_provider_url OIDC provider URL. Defaults to "". string
oidc_openid_thumbprints List of thumbprints of the OIDC provider's server certificate. Defaults to []. list(string)
oidc_permissions_boundary ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the OIDC role. Defaults to null. string
oidc_policy AWS IAM policy JSON document to be attached to the OIDC role. Applied only if oidc_policy_enabled is true. Defaults to "". string
oidc_policy_enabled Whether to create IAM policy specified by oidc_policy. Mutually exclusive with oidc_assume_role_enabled. Defaults to false. bool
oidc_provider_create Whether to create OIDC provider. Set to false if you want to disable default OIDC provider when oidc_custom_provider_arn is set. Defaults to true. bool
oidc_role_create Whether to create OIDC role. Defaults to true. bool
oidc_role_name OIDC role name. The value is prefixed by oidc_role_name_prefix. Either oidc_role_name or oidc_role_name_prefix must be set. Defaults to "". string
oidc_role_name_prefix OIDC role name prefix. Either oidc_role_name_prefix or oidc_role_name must be set. Defaults to "". string
oidc_tags OIDC resources tags. Defaults to {}. map(string)
rbac_create Whether to create and use RBAC resources. Defaults to true. bool
service_account_create Whether to create Service Account. Defaults to true. bool
service_account_name The Kubernetes Service Account name. Defaults to the addon name. Defaults to "". string
service_account_namespace The Kubernetes Service Account namespace. Defaults to the addon namespace. Defaults to "". string
settings Additional Helm sets which will be passed to the Helm chart values. Defaults to {}. map(any)
values Additional YAML encoded values which will be passed to the Helm chart. Defaults to "". string


Name Description
addon The addon module outputs
addon_irsa The addon IRSA module outputs
addon_oidc The addon oidc module outputs

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