- Write a script to merge two hash tables. Output should be sort by name column. Use next hash tables as example: @{a = 1; c = 3; r = 6; d = 7} @{c = 3; b = 4; d = 7; s = 9}
- Write a script which generate random password.
- Password length should be set from command line. Default length is 12-character.
- Password character set should be defined from command line. Default character set is “1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ”.
- Write a script that use Yandex.Translate API to translate text from module1-task3.txt file in English.
- Strings that contain latin characters should not be translated.
- Make sure you use splatting in your script.
- Format results as JSON and/or XML objects and put them into separate files. Output files should be defined from command line. JSON file content structure see below.
- Write a script for retrieving wheather data from
- Script is required getting data by city name or city id.
- Script is required having possibility to set temperature format (Kelvin, Imperial, Metric).
- Script must return hash table with next keys: City, Id, Country, Weather Now, Temperature Now, Weather Tomorrow, Temperature Tomorrow
Get-OWMWeather Folder:
- Based on function from Task 2 create PowerShell module that contains function Get-Wheather.
- Module must contain manifest file.
- Manifest file must contain next properties: Module version is “0.17” Module author is “FarFarGalaxy” Module company name is “FarFarGalaxy & Co” Module copyright is “(c) 2019 FarFarGalaxy & Co”
- Module function should be discovered in exported commands
- Develop a script which will collect from remote servers following data:
- Free space on C:\ drive
- Name and ID of top 5 processes which consumes the most of CPU resources
- Current CPU load in %
- Use function with parameters where it is needed (it’s up to your decide)
- List of computers must be stored in a separate file.
- Implement “throttling” to define the maximum of servers queried
- Results must be saved into a single JSON file for all computers
- Create a script that will display all the file names in any destination folder.
- Processing must proceed in parallel (use PS jobs for that). One job for single file to be created.
- Script should create job, execute it and delete job after. In case of failed job show warning in output.
- Number of currently executed jobs should be less than N (for example max 3 jobs running at the same time). You have to trigger new job only if you have free thread (Example: 3 jobs running and one of your jobs has been completed, but 2 of them still running – you trigger one more job to create). Tip: Use random delay 5-15 seconds inside job execution to see that logic is working as expected.
- Write a script for getting all error state from task1-dism.log file.
- Put all error state in separate task1-error.log file.
- task1-error.log file should contain extra-column with error code (ex. 0x800F0954)
- Implement error handling for script from module 3 task 1 (Translate text using Yandex api).
- Write a script for parsing GitHub trending ( using HTML Agility Pack assembly.
- Script should extract Name, Address, Language, Stars total, Stars today.
- All extracted data should be out to JSON task4.json file. JSON file content structure see below.
- Script should use HTML Agility Pack nuget package and out of the box shouldn’t contain any assemblies and/or executable files.