Ensure Docker is installed.
Run Docker Compose:
docker-compose up --build
Access Playerest (v1.1.0):
Frontend: http://localhost Backend: http://localhost:3000
Go to
and Buildcd client npm run build
Go to
and Buildcd /server/functions npm run build
Run Docker Compose in root directory:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-build-images.yml up --build
Access Playerest:
Frontend: http://localhost Backend: http://localhost:3000
We migrated the back-end repo to the repo where the front-end is located (that is, the current repo) halfway through the project. Old commits can be seen at
(Avoid cached old-version by using WSL and Chrome incognito window.)
docker system prune -a // clean cache
docker-compose -f docker-compose-build-images.yml up --build // build images
docker images // show all images
// Deploy
docker tag playerest-frontend:latest lawrencewonde/playerest-frontend:1.1.0
docker push lawrencewonde/playerest-frontend:1.1.0
docker tag playerest-frontend:latest lawrencewonde/playerest-frontend:1.1.0
docker push lawrencewonde/playerest-frontend:1.1.0