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Updating to Forsaken Fiat v8.0 Beta

naconner edited this page May 5, 2022 · 2 revisions

These are brief instructions for spinning up the Forsaken Fiat v8.0 admin and server while it's currently in beta.


If you're already on v7.5, or an earlier v8.0 beta release, run the following in your droplet's terminal to upgrade to the latest release:

curl -sS | bash

When the upgrade is successful, you'll see the message: Lamassu server update complete!

v8.0 introduces a new authentication system, using a user/password and two-factor authentication.

Rather than the prior URL to your admin, you'll now create a login. Run the following, replacing [email protected] with your own:

lamassu-register [email protected] superuser

Use the URL it outputs to access your admin, set a password, and enable two-factor authentication.


Contact our support team to schedule an update to your machine to v8.0 beta.

Please provide us with its device ID after the machine has been paired with your new admin. This can be found within the admin, on the individual machine's details page, or by running lamassu-devices within the server.

Updates and articles

Stay tuned to our support Twitter (@LamassuSupport) and Telegram channels for further beta updates and articles on v8.0's new features.