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Handle tvar renames & foreign refs
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supermario committed Nov 12, 2023
1 parent b71c7ad commit 194d701
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Showing 7 changed files with 358 additions and 66 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion extra/Lamdera.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ module Lamdera
, debugPass
, debugPassText
, debugHaskell
, debugHaskellWhen
, debugHaskellPass
, debugHaskellPassWhen
, debugHaskellPassDiffWhen
, debugHaskellWhen
-- , PP.sShow
, T.Text
, (<>)
Expand Down
142 changes: 130 additions & 12 deletions extra/Lamdera/Wire3/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -394,47 +394,163 @@ decoderUnion isTest_ ifaces pkg modul decls unionName union =
-- on that tvar name, returning all the constraint field names and types. This can then be used
-- to construct an anonymous record constraint for the type signature.
-- See Wire_Record_Extensible4_DB.elm for an example.
getTvarConstraint :: Data.Name.Name -> Type -> Map.Map Data.Name.Name Type
getTvarConstraint tvarName tipe =
getRecordConstraints :: Data.Name.Name -> Type -> Map.Map Data.Name.Name Type
getRecordConstraints tvarName tipe =
-- @TODO cover all the possible constraint types!
-- debugHaskellPass ("🧡 getTvarConstraint ") tipe $
-- debugHaskellPass ("🔵 getRecordConstraints ") (tvarName, tipe) $
case tipe of
TType cname aliasName tvars ->
tvars & fmap (getTvarConstraint tvarName) & Map.unions
tvars & fmap (getRecordConstraints tvarName) & Map.unions

TRecord fields ext ->
case ext of
Nothing ->
fields & fmap (\(FieldType _ t) -> getTvarConstraint tvarName t) & Map.unions
fields & fmap (\(FieldType _ t) -> getRecordConstraints tvarName t) & Map.unions

Just extName ->
if extName == tvarName
then fields & fmap (\(FieldType _ t) -> t)
else Map.empty

TTuple a_ b Nothing -> [a_, b] & fmap (getRecordConstraints tvarName) & Map.unions
TTuple a_ b (Just c) -> [a_, b, c] & fmap (getRecordConstraints tvarName) & Map.unions

TAlias moduleName typeName tvars aType ->
aliasedTvarName =
case List.find (\(t,ti) -> ti == TVar tvarName) tvars of
Just (tvarNameNew, tvarType) -> tvarNameNew
Nothing -> tvarName

case aType of
Holey t ->
getRecordConstraints aliasedTvarName t
-- extractors & fmap (\extractor -> extractor t) & Map.unions

Filled t ->
getRecordConstraints aliasedTvarName t
-- extractors & fmap (\extractor -> extractor t) & Map.unions

_ ->
-- no constraint

renameTvars :: Data.Name.Name -> Data.Name.Name -> Type -> Type
renameTvars oldName newName t =
case t of
TVar a ->
if a == oldName then TVar newName else t
TLambda t1 t2 -> TLambda (renameTvars oldName newName t1) (renameTvars oldName newName t2)
TType moduleName typeName params ->
TType moduleName typeName (fmap (renameTvars oldName newName) params)
TRecord fieldMap maybeName ->
& fmap (\(FieldType index tipe) ->
FieldType index (renameTvars oldName newName tipe)
& (\newFieldMap -> TRecord newFieldMap maybeName )
TUnit -> t
TTuple a b Nothing -> TTuple (renameTvars oldName newName a) (renameTvars oldName newName b) Nothing
TTuple a b (Just c) -> TTuple (renameTvars oldName newName a) (renameTvars oldName newName b) (Just $ renameTvars oldName newName c)

TAlias moduleName typeName tvars (Holey tipe) ->
TAlias moduleName typeName (fmap (\(n,v) -> (n, renameTvars oldName newName t)) tvars) (Holey $ renameTvars oldName newName tipe)
TAlias moduleName typeName tvars (Filled tipe) ->
TAlias moduleName typeName (fmap (\(n,v) -> (n, renameTvars oldName newName t)) tvars) (Filled $ renameTvars oldName newName tipe)

-- Flatten any TVar renames down through the type tree so that when we extract a constraint,
-- all the TVars are consistent in the top level type signature we extract them for.
normaliseTvarNames :: Map.Map Data.Name.Name Data.Name.Name -> Type -> Type
normaliseTvarNames renames t =
-- debugHaskellPass "🔵 normaliseTvarNames" (renames, t) $
case t of
TVar a ->
case Map.lookup a renames of
Just newName -> TVar newName
Nothing -> t
TLambda t1 t2 -> TLambda (normaliseTvarNames renames t1) (normaliseTvarNames renames t2)
TType moduleName typeName params ->
TType moduleName typeName (fmap (normaliseTvarNames renames) params)
TRecord fieldMap maybeName ->
let newMaybeName =
case maybeName of
Just name ->
case Map.lookup name renames of
Just newName -> Just newName
Nothing -> maybeName
Nothing -> maybeName
& fmap (\(FieldType index tipe) ->
FieldType index (normaliseTvarNames renames tipe)
& (\newFieldMap -> TRecord newFieldMap newMaybeName )
TUnit -> t
TTuple a b Nothing -> TTuple (normaliseTvarNames renames a) (normaliseTvarNames renames b) Nothing
TTuple a b (Just c) -> TTuple (normaliseTvarNames renames a) (normaliseTvarNames renames b) (Just $ normaliseTvarNames renames c)

TAlias moduleName typeName tvars atype ->
adjustTvars =
tvars & fmap (\x@(aliasName,v) ->
case v of
TVar originalName ->
let normalisedName =
case Map.lookup originalName renames of
Just newName -> newName
Nothing -> originalName
if aliasName /= normalisedName
-- we have a tvar rename, just write the tvar for now
then (aliasName, TVar normalisedName)
-- everything is aligned, carry on
else x
_ -> x

newRenames =
adjustTvars & foldl (\acc (aliasName, v) ->
case v of
TVar originalName ->
if aliasName /= originalName
then Map.insert aliasName originalName acc
else acc
_ -> acc
) Map.empty

newTvars =
adjustTvars & fmap (\x@(n,v) ->
case v of
TVar originalName -> (originalName, v)
_ -> x
case atype of
Holey tipe -> TAlias moduleName typeName newTvars (Holey $ normaliseTvarNames newRenames tipe)
Filled tipe -> TAlias moduleName typeName newTvars (Filled $ normaliseTvarNames newRenames tipe)

-- Sometimes a tvar is a constrained record (aka "extensible record"), and we need to
-- generate a type signature that includes the constraint. This function takes a tvar
-- name and a type, and if the type is a constrained record, it returns a new type
-- that includes the constraint. Otherwise it returns the original type.
-- that includes the constraint. Otherwise it returns the original TVar.
-- See Wire_Record_Extensible4_DB.elm for an example.
constrainTvar :: Data.Name.Name -> Type -> Type
constrainTvar tvar tipe =
-- debugHaskell ("🧡 constrainTvar") $
let constraints = getTvarConstraint tvar tipe
constrainTvar tvarName tipe =
-- debugHaskellPassWhen (tvarName == "compatibleA") ("🧡 constrainTvar") (tvarName, tipe) $
let constraints = getRecordConstraints tvarName tipe
if Map.size constraints > 0 then
& Map.toList
& imap (\i (name, t) -> (name, FieldType (fromIntegral i) t))
& Map.fromList
& (\fields -> TRecord fields (Just tvar))
& (\fields -> TRecord fields (Just tvarName))
TVar tvar
TVar tvarName

encoderAlias :: Bool -> Map.Map Module.Raw I.Interface -> Pkg.Name -> Src.Module -> Decls -> Data.Name.Name -> Alias -> Def
Expand All @@ -446,8 +562,10 @@ encoderAlias isTest_ ifaces pkg modul decls aliasName alias@(Alias tvars tipe) =
cname = Module.Canonical pkg (Src.getName modul)
ptvars = tvars & fmap (\tvar -> pvar $ Data.Name.fromChars $ "w3_x_c_" ++ Data.Name.toChars tvar )

normalisedTvarsType = normaliseTvarNames Map.empty tipe

ptvarsTyped = tvars & fmap (\tvar ->
let constrainedTvar = constrainTvar tvar tipe
let constrainedTvar = constrainTvar tvar normalisedTvarsType
( pvar $ Data.Name.fromChars $ "w3_x_c_" ++ Data.Name.toChars tvar
, TLambda constrainedTvar tLamdera_Wire_Encoder_Holey
Expand Down
16 changes: 0 additions & 16 deletions extra/Lamdera/Wire3/Helpers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -898,22 +898,6 @@ resolveTvar tvarMap t =
in TAlias moduleName typeName newResolvedTvars (Filled $ resolveTvar newResolvedTvars tipe)

resolveTvarRenames tvars tvarNames =
& fmap (\tvarName ->
case List.find (\(tvarName_,tvarType) -> tvarName_ == tvarName) tvars of
Just (_,tvarType) ->
case tvarType of
-- If we looked up the Tvar and got another Tvar, we've got a tvar
-- that's not specific higher up, but has been renamed by the parent
-- context, so we rename our ForAll clause and thus all the params
-- that reference back to it
TVar newName -> newName
_ -> tvarName
Nothing -> tvarName

extractTvarsInTvars tvars =
& concatMap (\(tvarName,tvarType) ->
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions test/EasyTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,6 +136,29 @@ expectEqualTextTrimmed expected actual =
-- , T.pack $ show $ prettyEditExpr $ ediff (realExpected) (realActual)

expectEqualFormat :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Test ()
expectEqualFormat expected actual =
if expected == actual
else do
_ <- ensureBinaryIcdiff "icdiff"
diff <- liftIO $ do
icdiff (hindentFormatValue expected) (hindentFormatValue actual)

crash $
T.unpack $
[ ""
-- , "➡️ the result:"
-- , (realActual)
-- , "⬅️ did not equal expected value:"
-- , (realExpected)
, "💥💥💥"
, ""
, T.pack diff
-- , T.pack $ show $ prettyEditExpr $ ediff (realExpected) (realActual)

expectNotEqual :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Test ()
expectNotEqual forbidden actual =
Expand Down
104 changes: 67 additions & 37 deletions test/Test/Wire.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,62 +4,91 @@

module Test.Wire where

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Utf8 as Utf8

import qualified Elm.ModuleName as ModuleName
import qualified Elm.ModuleName as Module
import qualified Elm.Package as Pkg

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception (SomeException, AsyncException(UserInterrupt), catch, fromException, throw)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath ((</>))

import EasyTest
import Lamdera
import Lamdera.Evergreen.Snapshot
import NeatInterpolation
-- import qualified TestLamdera
import qualified Lamdera.Compile

import StandaloneInstances

-- Test all
import qualified Reporting.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified Reporting.Task as Task
import qualified Deps.Solver as Solver
import qualified Deps.Registry

import qualified BackgroundWriter as BW
import qualified Elm.Outline as Outline
import qualified Elm.Details as Details
import qualified Install
import qualified Reporting.Task as Task
import qualified Reporting.Doc as D
import qualified Elm.Version as V
import qualified Elm.Constraint as C
import qualified Stuff
import qualified Reporting

import qualified Init
import qualified Make

-- http
import qualified Json.Decode as D
import qualified Lamdera.Http
import qualified Ext.Common
-- tests
import qualified Lamdera.Wire3.Core
import AST.Canonical

all = suite

suite :: Test ()
suite = tests $
[ scope "compile all Elm wire expectations" wire
, scope "function tests" functions

functions :: Test ()
functions = do
let before =
(Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "elm" "core") "Maybe")
[ TAlias
(Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "author" "project") "Test.Wire_Record_Extensible5_ElmCss")
[("compatible", TVar "compatibleB"), ("units", TVar "unit")]
(Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "author" "project") "Test.Wire_Record_Extensible5_ElmCss_External")
[("compatible", TVar "compatible"), ("units", TVar "units")]
[ ( "length"
, FieldType
(TType (Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "author" "project") "Test.Wire_Record_Extensible5_ElmCss_External") "Compatible" []))
, ("numericValue", FieldType 2 (TType (Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "elm" "core") "Basics") "Float" []))
, ("unitLabel", FieldType 4 (TType (Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "elm" "core") "String") "String" []))
, ("units", FieldType 3 (TVar "units"))
, ("value", FieldType 0 (TType (Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "elm" "core") "String") "String" []))
(Just "compatible")))))

expected =
(Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "elm" "core") "Maybe")
[ TAlias
(Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "author" "project") "Test.Wire_Record_Extensible5_ElmCss")
[("compatibleB", TVar "compatibleB"), ("unit", TVar "unit")]
(Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "author" "project") "Test.Wire_Record_Extensible5_ElmCss_External")
[("compatibleB", TVar "compatibleB"), ("unit", TVar "unit")]
[ ( "length"
, FieldType
(TType (Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "author" "project") "Test.Wire_Record_Extensible5_ElmCss_External") "Compatible" []))
, ("numericValue", FieldType 2 (TType (Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "elm" "core") "Basics") "Float" []))
, ("unitLabel", FieldType 4 (TType (Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "elm" "core") "String") "String" []))
, ("units", FieldType 3 (TVar "unit"))
, ("value", FieldType 0 (TType (Module.Canonical (Pkg.Name "elm" "core") "String") "String" []))
(Just "compatibleB")))))

expectEqualFormat expected (Lamdera.Wire3.Core.normaliseTvarNames Map.empty before)

wire :: Test ()
wire = do

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,6 +121,7 @@ wire = do
, "src/Test/Wire_Record_Extensible2_MultiParam.elm"
, "src/Test/Wire_Record_Extensible3_Tricky.elm"
, "src/Test/Wire_Record_Extensible4_DB.elm"
, "src/Test/Wire_Record_Extensible5_ElmCss.elm"
, "src/Test/Wire_Phantom.elm"
, "src/Test/Wire_Tvar_Deep.elm"
, "src/Test/Wire_Tvar_Deep2.elm"
Expand Down

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