This repository contains Python bindings for AmpTools and interfaces with iftpwa
for constructing non-parametric models for partial wave analysis under the numerical information field theory framework, NIFTy.
Partial wave analysis of large datasets using non-parametric models using NIFTy for fast variational inference over million to billion parameter spaces.
- For general information on information theory, see these Notes
Under the hood, it uses PyROOT which uses cppyy. These bindings will hopefully simplify the interaction with the AmpTools library while also providing access to the python ecosystem. There are no known features of AmpTools that is not currently supported and both GPU and MPI is working. FSRoot is also included as a submodule and can be integrated into analysis workflows.
- Access to PyROOT ecosystem
- Pythonization of c++ objects: simplify interactions with c++ source code
- Dynamically load appropriate libraries / (re)compilation of high level scripts (like fits and plotters) are time consuming and distracting
- Python ecosystem:
- Improved scripting, string parsing (regex)
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo: emcee
Here is the Documentation for installation instructions and tutorials.