Ros impelmnation of deep learning tecniques for robot naviagation and facial recognition
Have ROS meliodic enviroment installed
Installation Guide(Facial Recognition):
pip install face_recognition
pip install opencv-python
(takes ~20 minutes)
pip install numpy
chmod +x [Files name]
Installation Guide(Deep RL agents):
I recommend creating a conda environment using python 2.7 for this project.
Follow directions at to install anaconda
conda install numpy
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
(change cudatoolkit version as necessary)
conda install matplotlib
Running Guide(Facial Recognition):
be in outermost file
run bu shortcut on a robot
run roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_rpicamera.launch framerate:=20
and select the compressed file you should see this -
While in RL_racer folder type into terminal $rosrun RL_racer
Running Guide(Deep RL agents)
To launch the gazebo simulation of small_track1 do:
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo small_track1.launch
- Launching a Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient agent (DDPG)
roslaunch deepRL train_ddpg_agent_multistart.launch
- Launching a Soft Actor-Critic agent (SAC)
roslaunch deepRL train_sac_agent_multistart.launch
- Drive robot using teleop and store experience
roslaunch deepRL make_experience.launch
- Launch an agent and see how it performs without noise
roslaunch deepRL test_agent.launch