Evaluating an agent's policy requires a method of comparing the skill level and win probability of each agent in comparison with the other agents. A good choice for this problem is the ELO system, which is used to determine the probability one agent will win against another agent given their ELO ratings.
The ELO rating system was developed for head-to-head zero-sum matchups (like in Chess); however, I am using a multiplayer variant suggested by Tom Kerrigan. In short, multiplayer ELO works by treating a match of N agents as N-1 head-to-head matches, in which ELO is updated for each pair of agents with neighboring scores as if the game was only between those two agents. For example, suppose three agents were playing dominoes and had scores of 0, 10, and 15. Then, we assume that agent 0 beat agent 1, and assume that agent 1 beat agent 2. Therefore, agents 0 and 2 receive one ELO update, and agent 1 receives two updates.
ELO updates are coded in the leagueManager
module. The league manager has a "league" of N agents, of which M of them play
games against each other (M<=N). After each game, the game results and the
league index of each agent are fed back to the league manager to update the
ELO scores of those agents.
First, the expected score for each agent pair in the game is measured, where
expected score is equal to the probability of winning (not the dominoe score).
Then, ELO scores are updated based on the true winner and a "k" parameter,
which is set by the league manager and determines how much an agents ELO can
change for any particular game. The baseline ELO is set to 1500, which is an
arbitrary choice, and can be changed to whatever range of values you are most
comfortable with. The specific equations used for ELO are coded in the
module, named eloExpected
To test the multiplayer ELO system and evaluate the policies of basic
hand-crafted agents, I wrote a script called
that creates a league of
basic agents and plays many games between agents, updating their ELO ratings
until they stabilize. For details on the parameters of the experiment, see the
ArgumentParser help statements and read the comments in the main function.
From the top-level directory of this repository, you can run this experiment on your own computer with the following command:
python experiments/basicAgentELOs.py
The script has several optional input arguments that determine the parameters of the league and meta-parameters for the experiment (e.g. how many games to play for estimating ELO).
The main result of the experiment is shown here:
To summarize, ELO ratings stablize quickly (after about 1000 games, which takes about 5 minutes of wall time on my computer), and indicate that the best hand-crafted policy is that of the persistent-line agent, followed closely by the double agent. As expected, agents that play randomly (the default agent) or play dominoes with the lowest point value (stupid agent) perform worse than other agents.
To measure how important the maxLineLength parameter is for the best line
agents, as well as comparing the policy differences between the best line
agent and the persistent line agent (see Basic policies),
I ran an additional experiment that is very similar to the basic agent ELO
experiment, but using a league with exclusively best/persistent line agents.
This code is found in
. The choice of max
line lengths is hard coded in the file, and is set to [6,8,10,12]
. The
league contains multiple copies of best line agents and persistent line agents
with each possible max line length.
The main result of the experiment is shown here:
Best line agents perform a little better when they perform a deeper recursive search for their line: note that the agents that looks for maximum lines of 10 or 12 perform better than those that cutoff at 6 or 8. Interestingly, the persistent line agent performs a little better than the best line agent. I'm not exactly sure why this is true, but it probably relates to changes in the valuation of different lines due to discounting factors.
This is a quick preview of an RL agent's ELO. It's a preview because the RL
agents are the point of this repository, so will receive extensive analysis in
their own dedicated sections of the documentation. Here, I just wanted to
demonstrate that the RL agents can be trained to be better than any of the
hand-crafted agents. The code can be found in
I extended the first ELO experiment (the one titled basicAgentELOs
) by
adding a fully trained line-value agent to the league (along with the 5 other
agent types from the original experiment). Just like the other agent types,
there are several copies of the line-value agent. The results are here:
Clearly, the RL agent outperforms all other agent types. For reference, ELO differences of this magnitude means the line-value agent has a 72% chance of winning against the persistent-line agent, an 84% chance against the double agent, a 92% chance against the greedy agent, and a 99% chance against the default & stupid agents. Not bad! Detailed analysis of exactly why will follow...