This projct focuses on the documentation of applications for Quantum Computers. Currently, we have four notebooks exploring four different applications, which can be found in
the notebooks/ directory. For taking a look at notebooks that are going through ongoing development, one can take a look at the notebook/exotic-phases-nb
and notebook/dicke-model-nb
If qc-applications proves useful in your work, please consider citing it using the following BibTeX citation for the pre-print, available here:
Title = {Potential Applications of Quantum Computing at Los Alamos National Laboratory},
Author = {Andreas Bärtschi and Francesco Caravelli and Carleton Coffrin and Jonhas Colina and Stephan Eidenbenz and Abhijith Jayakumar and Scott Lawrence and Minseong Lee and Andrey Y. Lokhov and Avanish Mishra and Sidhant Misra and Zachary Morrell and Zain Mughal and Duff Neill and Andrei Piryatinski and Allen Scheie and Marc Vuffray and Yu Zhang},
Year = {2024},
Eprint = {2406.06625},
This code is provided under a BSD license as part of the Quantum Application Specifications and Benchmarks project (O4626).