Sparsehub solves the linear advection equation for multiple materials at once.
git clone [email protected]:charest/sparsehub
cd sparsehub
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../.
To run a sampe problem:
./sparsehub ../examples/input.inp
You can use different sparse data represenations us=ing the '-l' command line argument. For example,
./sparsehub ../examples/input.inp -l 2
will run the problem using compressed row storage. Currently, dense (0), fixed-bandwith (1), and compressed row (2) storage is available.
./sparsehub -h
help: sparsehub [-h] [-l LAYOUT] [FILENAME]
Sparsehub solves the advection equation using a sparse matrix representation of the data.
-h Display this help message.
-l LAYOUT Specify the sparse layout type [0=dense (default), 1=fixed bandwith, 2=compressed row].
FILENAME The input file name.