- telegram-bot-api - an intermittent bot api server between a bot and the telegram, allows to do several things that can't be done with a direct connection (see using a local bot api server).
- alpine-linux - small size linux distribution based on musl as libc and busybox
Environment variables:
- HTTP_PORT - on this port the bot api will listen for connections
There are many more configuration options, they could be used by creating your own docker image from this.
Directories and files:
- /telegram-bot-api/files here bot api stores downloaded files and other working data
- /telegram-bot-api/temp here bot api stores temporary http files
Basic example to validate api_hash, api_id and bot_token.
# Run bot api in the background
docker run -d -e API_HASH=<api_hash> -e API_ID=<api_id> -p 8081:8081 lanseg/telegram-bot-api
# Run basic client
curl "http://localhost:8081/bot<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/getMe"
And if all the keys are correct, you should get something like this:
"ok": true,
"result": {
"id": 5133968151,
"is_bot": true,
"first_name": "chronist",
"username": "chronist470529371_bot",
"can_join_groups": true,
"can_read_all_group_messages": true,
"supports_inline_queries": false,
"can_connect_to_business": false,
"has_main_web_app": false