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Wrapping a LAPPS service


This is a short introduction to creating web services that can be deployed to any Language Grid server. The Service Grid uses SOAP for inter-service communications, however the complexities of working with SOAP have been abstracted away by the Service Grid and Language Grid layers.


For this tutorial you will require:

  1. Java 1.7 (or later)
  2. Maven 3.0.x
  3. an IDE such as IntelliJ or Eclipse
  4. about < 2 hours


We will go through a step-by-step tutorial to create a simple Lappsgrid service, WhitespaceTokenizer implementing all requirement for a language grid service. The tutorial includes writing java programs, packaging to Maven WAR package, and testing the package. Each step covers a single topic, and will take 15 - 30 minutes

Step1: Maven project setup

In step #1, we will set up a Maven project (POM) with lappgrid API dependencies for Lappsgrid services. (Goto step1)

Step2: Implementing Lappsgrid service

In step #2, we will take a close look at implementation requirements for a Lappsgrid service - especially I/O specifications, and then write a simple toknization method satisfying partial requirements in the WhitespaceTokenizer service implementation. (Goto step2)

Step3: Service metadata

In step #3, we will see what should be implemented as metadata for our WhitespaceTokenizer service, and then go through two example ways to implement getMetadata(), another required method for a Lappsgrid service. (Goto step3)

Step4: Packaging a service

In step #4, we will see how to compile a service into a Maven WAR package with service manifests. We also taks a quick look at how to deploy compiled service onto a tomcat server. (Goto step4)

Step5: Testing a service

In step #5, we will test out WhitespaceTokenizer service, first as a java program, then as a web-service. (Goto step5)

Step6: Wrapping existing Java program

Coming soon.

Step7: Wrapping Python program

Coming soon.

Up Next

To start the tutorial from the first step, run the command:

> git checkout step1

Or follow the link: step1


LAPPS example code.






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