Citation: Lars Kolbowski, Colin Combe, Juri Rappsilber; xiSPEC: web-based visualization, analysis and sharing of proteomics data, Nucleic Acids Research, gky353,
Annotation of spectra is done per default via xiAnnotator ( set up on Instructions for setting up your own copy of the xiAnnotator can be found here:
To change the xiAnnotatorURL use the xiAnnotatorBaseURL option. (If you use the default you may run into issues with CORS.)
Please refer to the following examples of using xiSPEC in a html page:
- example_linear.html -- linear peptide example
- example_crosslink.html -- crosslinked peptide example
You need to include the following javascript file in your webpage:
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/xispec.js"></script>
To initialize the module create the xiSPEC app with your desired options:
targetDiv is the only required option.
var options = {
targetDiv: 'xispec_wrapper' // id of your html target div for the spectrum viewer
showCustomConfig: false, // show/hide custom annotation options tab in settings view
showQualityControl: 'bottom', // select where to show the quality control plots per default. values: 'bottom', 'side', 'min'
baseDir: './', // path to base directory of the spectrum viewer on your website
xiAnnotatorBaseURL: '', // url of annotator change if you're hosting xiAnnotator yourself
highlightColor: '#FFFF00', // initial highlight color (can be changed in settings)
highlightWidth: 8, // highlight width
peakColor: "#a6a6a6", // color for not annotated peaks
var xiSPEC = xispec.createApp(options);
To set the data call the setData function with the spectra data:
var data = {
sequence1: sequence1, // sequence of peptide 1 incl. modifications
sequence2: sequence2, // sequence of peptide 2 incl. modifications (for crosslinked peptide)
linkPos1: linkPos1, // crosslinked residue on peptide 1 (for crosslinked peptide)
linkPos2: linkPos2, // crosslinked residue on peptide 2 (for crosslinked peptide)
crossLinkerModMass: crossLinkerModMass // modification mass of the crosslinker (for crosslinked peptide)
modifications: modifications, // modification definitions
precursorMz: precursorMz, // m/z of the precursor
precursorCharge: precursorCharge, // charge state of the precursor
fragmentTolerance: fragmentTolerance;, // tolerance for fragment annotation in the MS2 scan
ionTypes: ionTypes, // ion types to annotate
peakList: peakList // array of peaks
sequence1/2: Peptide sequence for peptide 1/2 in one letter amino acid code (uppercase) with modifications following the amino acid and consisting of the following characters: a-z:0-9.()-
linkPos1/2: Position of crosslinked residue for peptide 1/2 (0-based)
crossLinkerModMass: Modification Mass of the crosslinker.
modifications: Array of modification definitions with id, mass and amino acid specificity e.g.
{id: 'carbamidomethyl', mass: 57.021464, aminoAcids: ['K', 'H', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'S', 'T', 'Y']},
precursorMz: The m/z of the precursor ion. (optional)
precursorCharge: Charge state of the precursor ion.
fragmentTolerance: MS2 tolerance for annotating fragment peaks (in ppm or Da). e.g. {"tolerance": '10.0', 'unit': 'ppm'}
ionTypes: Fragment ion types to annotate separated by semicolon e.g. "peptide;a;b;c;x;y;z"
peakList: Array of peaks of the MS2 scan e.g. [[110.0714, 28063.6230], [118.08385, 2084.98925781], ...]
First install dependencies:
npm install
To create a production build:
npm run build-prod
To create a development build:
npm run build-dev
To run a web server serving the crosslink example page:
npm run start:dev