Install chezmoi and setup all dotfiles:
curl | /bin/bash
- NeoVim, the magnum opus editor
- Ranger, the best file manager
- Gitconfig, git.exe
- Bashrc, whereis zsh
- Zshrc, zsh >>>>> bash
- Powerlevel10k, the powerful zsh theme
- Tmux, the wickedest terminal multiplexer
- i3, the fastest windowmanager
- Polybar, the prettiest statusbar
- Picom, the only maintained compositor
- Rofi, the fanciest runlauncher
- Dunst, the lightest notification daemon
DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono, Any Nerd Font should probably work.
To change dotfiles and keep chezmoi up-to-date use either:
chezmoi edit .whatever_dotfile
chezmoi apply -v
nvim .whatever_dotfile
chezmoi add .whatever_dotfile
To sync dotfiles with the remote run:
chezmoi update