This package allows to query the HomematicIp REST and WebSocket endpoint.
Install-Package HomematicIp
The following code should be self-explanatory. If it is not, there are explanatory comments in the HomematicIp.Console project. You can also use that project to get started
class Program
private static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
// Register the IOptions object
// Explicitly register the settings object by delegating to the IOptions object
services.AddSingleton(resolver =>
services.AddLogging(configure => configure.AddConsole())
.Configure<LoggerFilterOptions>(options => options.MinLevel = LogLevel.Debug)
.AddTransient<Func<HttpClient>>(provider => () => new HttpClient());
static async Task Main(string[] args)
#region 0. Configuration and DependencyInjection
var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("config.json", false, true)
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
ConfigureServices(serviceCollection, configuration);
var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
#region 1. Authorization
//This region shows how to create an access token. You only need to do this once (until you revoke it)
var homematicAuthService = serviceProvider.GetService<HomematicAuthService>();
await homematicAuthService.ConnectionRequest();
System.Console.WriteLine("Please press the blue button on the access point.");
while (!await homematicAuthService.IsRequestAcknowledged())
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
var authToken = await homematicAuthService.RequestAuthToken();
System.Console.WriteLine($"The AuthToken is {authToken}. Put it in you config to use it for further requests.");
var homematicConfiguration = serviceProvider.GetService<HomematicConfiguration>();
homematicConfiguration.AuthToken = authToken;
#region 2a. QueryRestEndpoint
var homematicService = serviceProvider.GetService<HomematicService>();
//if you ever want to cancel a request, use a CancellationToken
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
await homematicService.ConnectAsync(cts.Token);
var homematicIpEnvironment = await homematicService.GetCurrentState(cts.Token);
//look at the properties of homematicIpEnvironment to see what information it holds
System.Console.WriteLine($"This Homematic Installation has {homematicIpEnvironment.Clients.Count} connected Clients.");
#region 2b. QueryWebSocketEndpoint
var events = homematicService.ReceiveEvents(cts.Token);
//filter events by using Where and Subscribe. Here we only want to see events about ShutterContactDevices
events.Where(notification => notification.HomematicIpObjectBase is ShutterContactDevice)
.Subscribe(notification =>
var shutterContactDevice = notification.HomematicIpObjectBase as ShutterContactDevice;
System.Console.WriteLine($"{shutterContactDevice?.Label}: WindowState={shutterContactDevice?.WindowState}");
//output every message without processing it
//wait for the last event - if you don't cancel and nothing unexpected happens, that means forever
await events.LastOrDefaultAsync();
Since there are a lot of Homematic devices, you might be presented with a message like the one below. In that case please open an issue, we will add the device asap. Since the message in curly braces will most likely contain an Id that is unique to your device, you might want to edit that out before posting the message:
The HomematicIp Endpoint sent a message about an unknown HomematicIp Object (most likely a yet unsupported device). Please open an issue at to have this device added to the library. We will need the following: {...}