Tool for Named Entity Recognition (NER) + Named Entity Linking (NEL).
Access the annotations for the metabolites dataset here.
docker build . -t ner_nel
Run a container over the built image:
docker run -v $(pwd):/exposome_NER_NEL/ --name exposome_NER_NEL --gpus all -it ner_nel bash
The part '$(pwd)' indicates that the code available to the container will be placed in the current directory. Replace this if running the code from other directory.
The arg '"device=7"' indicates that GPU 7 will be used. Change to use other GPUS, for example, '"device=7,8"' to use GPUs 7 and 8 (don't forget to schedule on the Google calendar the use of gpus :) )
The arg --user
To disable annoyng messages printed to the terminal run the following commands
Go to the root directory:
cd exposome_NER_NEL/
Set current directory as the root:
Install the abbreviation detector:
Assuming that the directory 'data/metabolites_dataset' exists, to annotate the entities present in the a given set of the dataset run:
python -set <set_name>/
<set_name> can have the following values:
‘exposome’, corresponding to the initial sample with 29 full-text articles from the Exposome
‘inflammation’ with 115 full-text articles associated with the HMDB metabolites related to inflammation
'cancer' with 1092 full-text articles, retrieved with the pmids of the file 'pmid-Microbiota-Cancers_set'
'large' with 3423 full-text articles, retrieved with the pmids of the file 'pmid-Microbiolo-largeset-10k_papers'
The annotations files will be outputted to the 'data/metabolites_dataset/<set_name>/ann/' in the BRAT format.