- Subscribe to SQLMatches on the 'Owner Panel' under the 'Subscriptions / Billing' tab.
- Donate via PayPal
- Visit SQLMatches.com & create a community to get an API key.
- Upload the plugins onto your server & load them.
- Install extensions
- Install configs
- Make sure to set these CVARs.
tv_enable 1
tv_autorecord 0
sv_hibernate_when_empty 0
- Go to
& set your API key.
- Click the green tick.
- Then click details.
- Click artifacts.
- Then download 'Compiled plugins' & unzip it.
- sm_sqlmatches_announce
- Get version announcements, used to alert you to new plugin versions.
- sm_sqlmatches_autoconfig
- Automatically sets up server CVARs for demo recording.
- sm_sqlmatches_key
- SQLMatches.com API key.
- sm_sqlmatches_community_name
- Name of community from SQLMatches, needed for Discord webhooks.
- sm_sqlmatches_start_round_upload
- 0, Upload demo at match end.
- 1, Upload demo at start of next match.
- sm_sqlmatches_delete_after_upload
- Delete demo file after successfully upload.
- sm_sqlmatches_discord_match_end
- Discord webhook to push at match end, leave blank to disable.
- sm_sqlmatches_discord_match_start
- Discord webhook to push at match start, leave blank to disable.
- sm_sqlmatches_discord_round_end
- Discord webhook to push at round end, leave blank to disable.
- sm_sqlmatches_discord_embed_decimal
- Decimal color code for embed messages, Hex to decimal converter.
- sm_sqlmatches_discord_name
- Set discord name, please leave as SQLMatches.com if using hosted version.
- sm_sqlmatches_discord_avatar
- URL to avatar.
- sm_sqlmatches_end_of_round_message
- Disable SQLMatches' end of round message.
- The-Doggy - Contributor
- WardPearce - Contributor
- ErikMinekus - Contributor & created REST in Pawn
- SirLamer - Base64
- thraaawn - bzip2
- Bara - multicolors
- Deathknife - discord
- SourceMod Include Library - Maintained includes
- borzaka - Contributor
- b3none - Contributor
- To all the developers who helped to make these packages!