Before starting, ensure you have a Kubernetes cluster with administrative privileges.
Begin by installing the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) and the operator itself, along with the necessary RBAC resources.
Execute the following commands to download the CRDs and set up the operator in the last9-monitoring
LATEST=$(curl -s "" | jq -cr .tag_name)
curl -sL "${LATEST}/bundle.yaml" > ./bundle.yaml
sed -i '' 's/namespace: default/namespace: last9-monitoring/g' bundle.yaml
kubectl create -f ./namespace.yaml -f ./bundle.yaml
Note: If CRDs are already present then it wont override it and instead it will state that the CRDs exists.
The operator might take a few minutes to become fully operational. Monitor its status using this command:
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods -l -n last9-monitoring
The Prometheus Operator enables the declaration of desired states for Prometheus and Alertmanager clusters, as well as the Prometheus configuration through custom resources. In this guide, we focus on the following resources:
Here, the Prometheus
resource specifies the desired setup for a Prometheus instance, while the ServiceMonitor
and PodMonitor
resources identify the monitoring targets for Prometheus.
Generate your secrets in the secret.yaml file by converting them into base64 encoded strings
Check prometheus-agent.yaml for any placeholder values and replace them with correct values.
kubectl apply -f ./prometheus-agent.yaml -f ./secret.yaml --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG -n last9-monitoring
To verify that the instance is up and running, run:
kubectl get pods -n last9-monitoring
kubectl apply -f ./service-monitor.yaml --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG -n last9-monitoring
To verify that the service monitors are up and running, run:
kubectl get servicemonitor --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG -n last9-monitoring