This documentation willl help user to Install the application in user windows machine.This documentation steps are more focused on windows platform.
- Author of this Document : Sunish Surendran Kannembath
- Developer : Sunish Surendran Kannembath
- Reach Sunish in LinkedIn :
- Reach Sunish in Twitter : @sunishsurendran
- Docker should be installed in your machine -User can follow below link to install Docker in your machine
- Open PowerShell in the windows machine, run Docker command
- Create a Private network for Docker with name COVID19DashboardbNetwork
- docker network create COVID19DashboardbNetwork
- Run below command to download the InfluxDB Docker Image from DockerHub and run as a container
- docker run -d -p 8086:8086 --network COVID19DashboardbNetwork --name influxdb influxdb
- Run below command to download the Python Script image from DockerHub and run as a container
- docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --network COVID19DashboardbNetwork --name=pythonimage sunishsurendrank/pythonimage:v1
- Run below command to download the Grafana Docker Image from DockerHub and run as a container
- docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --network COVID19DashboardbNetwork --name=grafana sunishsurendrank/grafanaimage:v1
Note: If you get an error regarding the port (The above port is already used by other process), change the port and the name field and run the command again.
- Open Chrome and access http://localhost:3000
Copyright © 2020, Sunish Surendran Kannembath. Released under the MIT License.