This is an implementation of the Vernam cipher in images.
Encryption: The given secret message is transformed in a string of bytes and a random key with the same length is generated using php random_int function. The message is then encrypted with this operation: message XOR key = encryptedMessage. The key and the encryptedMessage are then writen on the chosen original image to generate key.png and encryptedMessage.png.
Decryption: The binary encryptedMessage and the key are extracted from their respective image (encryptedMessage.png and key.png). To retrieve the original message this operation is performed: encryptedMessage XOR key = message. The message is then converted back into ascii characters and displayed.
First, clone the repository in yourDirectory:
cd yourDirectory
git clone
Go in the Vernam_In_Images directory
cd Vernam_In_Images
Create an original_image directory
mkdir original_image
Copy your original image, let's say a nice koala, in the original_image directory. This image must be a png image.
cp /home/user/Images/koala.png original_image/koala.png
Write the message you want to encrypt in message.txt. The message can contain printable ascii characters only (char code 32 to 126 inclusive). By default, message.txt contains a list of all these characters. Moreover, eight times the number of characters in the message must be smaller than the total number of pixels in the original image.
echo -n "This is my secret message" > message.txt
Launch the encrypt command
php src/encrypt.php
Your key.png and encryptedMessage.png images were generated in the encrypted_images directory, you should see them by executing
ls encrypted_images
Go in the Vernam_In_Images directory
cd Vernam_In_Images
Create an images_to_decrypt directory
mkdir images_to_decrypt
Put your key image and your encryptedMessage image in this directory
mv /home/user/Images/key.png images_to_decrypt/key.png
mv /home/user/Images/encryptedMessage.png images_to_decrypt/encryptedMessage.png
Launch the decrypt command
php src/decrypt.php
The original message is echoed in the terminal.
PHP >= 7.0 has to be installed on your machine with cli enabled for it. You will also need the GD lib wih it, it may already be in your PHP version.
Every contribution is welcome, please read for all important details.